Maybe you could tell us where you die, so we can talk about your mistake, because it is an very easy mission. After being seperated you will be attack by the invincible hurq for the first time. You just have to run (sprinting is not necessary) further down the hall and jump over a gap in the ground. When attacked for the…
If the claim button was still greyed out, you have not only to do all new rom missions from the new rom season tab, but all "open" missions (like helping out in the main camp or gathering water samples and similar stuff), that are available for every bigger region exept the epho fields. Same for the delta arc, where you…
Your account is from 2013. As everybody else you have gotten 3 free charslots when delta was running for the first time and every new account will get this charslots for free, regardless if delta is running or not. As for every other recruit event, you won't get slots for a rerun. You can even use your old deltas for not…
Personally I would set Firefly and Earth Final Conflict before Andromeda. Last one hit the wall too, but not as hard in my opinion. Maybe even Lexx, but that one was hard to swallow sometimes. And don't get me started about Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamato 2199 and 2202. Those had something. But when talking about…
What can I say. I am interested in ships. Always. And I like the Ambassador, BoP and Vorach. Sadly placements for several beams turns me away from using something like the Ambassador. What I am not interested in: Turning items gold. It happend a few times while upgrading to MK 15. But I never used any gold upgrade I got…
All the fixes are just temporaly. The most interesting thing, for me a permanently working fix was to move STO from my HD to my SSD. At this point it is starting to be a huge WTF. The HDD is just 2 years old and in perfect shape. No errors and everything else works well. So for me it does mostly looks like STO got problems…
Could it be related to ammount of fragmentation of the bins and/or the textures .hoggs? Seems like cryptic threw the whole game in just a few files, with the bins.hogg bigger then 7GB. Easy to fragment such a file, even more if a delta update is working on that one every week. Was again at 50+ fragments after just a week…
Little update. I turned on using the proxy of my region in the launcher, because I was remembering to resolve a crashproblem that way some years ago. And as stupid as it sounds, it does work for now. The other option would be, that STO has just decided to work normaly again after doing nothing on my end except playing an…
You can add me to that list. Ryzen 1800 with 16GB Ram RX 580 Creative AE-5 Windows 10 20H2 STO is installed on the HD Game started to crash without any change on my end (maybe an windows update). Must be the 16 or 17, because I reinstalled STO on the 18. After that: started STO in safe mode verified gamefiles reinstalled…
He could skip the offensive sci on his cannon boat too and go for transfere shield strengh II at the lt. Sci. Problem will be just, that hazard emitter, sci team and transfere shield strengh are bound to Aux-Energy. In that case he could go on with 2 Copies of Power to Weapons. While I still suggest using reverse shield…
And to start from the beginning. (I won't write about special stuff but more about general survival stuff for ships) With the free T5 ship I think you are Level 61+. But the Items you are using are mostly level 45 and level 50. There is a big gab between MK 12 and MK 14/15. Not to speak about MK 10, which is level 40...…
I know, I did. Back to 16.7 something. Was running on the 7850 and I knew it works. Not in the mood to test through the drivers, if a newer one works... AMD was cutting away to many things in their crimsons, and the knife is still hot. Can't play stuff with the Europa Engine (Hearts of Iron 2) anymore, because they either…
I think he is running into the same problem I do. Replaced my old AMD 7850 (died) with an R7 360 and installed the newest driver (17.4.3 and 17.4.4). Other hardware is simply an Q6600 with 8GB of ram and Windows 7 running in the background. Some games won't start with that driver, my TV-Card software is telling me, that is…
Ok, as I said i was not feeling well because it was showing the right numbers before. And because it is STO a bugged upgradepath is not a unthinkable thing. So I will give it a try and hope for the best.
Make a level 1 and do all you said without using recources of any of your other chars. Do all the stuff you want to tell us. Show us that you are right. Good luck, you will need it. Until then you are the raging troll here. Btw, i just played one char up before the XP bonus event with the old droprates. Funfact, the more…
15 marks + 55 from daly make 70marks/day if just using the daly. 30 are needed for the daly project makes 40. One space set is 3000, ground 1500. "just" 75 days for a space set. Afaik fleet missions have buffed up too and the reward for normal isn't that high. EC and vendor trash, yeah. You noticed the reduced drop rate in…
And where to get the Fleetmarks? Where to get the EC? The rate of drops is reduced to none existance, even when playing the story on elite. Again, where to get the EC for the Upgrades where to get the DI (I play KDF and most of the time i get around 1500 Di out of one marauding run and between 50 and 100k EC). Or if they…
My opinion is simple The HP scaling is way to high. Even a small Kazon takes as much as pre DR Undine ship. Not to talk about Advanced or Elite in the story missions. Fighting a small enemy more then 1min is not acceptable because it gets boring, even on eltie. There you will find much higher HP, even higher shield…
Its the good old Evasive Maneuver if i remember correctly. At last the small Kazons use it. And I think they don't even wait until they are in a grav well pull. More like "spread out for combat". Other Enemys are still cought in Grav Wells. Afaik even larger Kazon vessels will fall to the Grav Well. But I was using 3. My…
Only problem then will be, how do they think should new players or even new chars get repgear because repgear still needs items that just drop on elite or sometimes from a box when you start the hourly. Not to speak about the "many" marks you get from normal or even advanced. They build the rep system because they wanted…
I just want to add one thing to the discussion. You where all able to know what is comming for you And cryptic knew the reaction before the…
I won ISA yesterday with 3 different chars with T5U level 0 ships and at level 50. I never wrote advanced can't be won. The question was if T6 together with XIV gold will compensate the massive scale up in HP, shieldHP, resistence, shield resistence, hullregeneration and shieldgeneration cryptic build in if the player has…
Improved AI... There is something on the Vodwoor (or how you have to write them) I didn't fought them today because i had no intrest anymore to munch through 9 or so bigh Kazon vessels that are hold together by dirt, rust and proud with, i think, 700 or 800k HP But i fought them on tribble. They don't try to just get their…
Read my post carefully... Not even a T6 with XIV will make it "easy" because there is NO way to counter 500% more HP AND much stronger shields (at last 3 times i think) AND strongly reduced shield migrating damage AND higher damage resistence (not much but it is a little higher i think) AND much higher resist to…
NPCs that don't have to rely on brute HP and some firepower that sometimes simply can oneshoot you. Enough? Ok, here is more. NPCs with at last the same amount of abilitys a player gets, maybe even more with a base ability layout for all ships (like all teams, transfere shield strengh, hazard and so on, survivability)…
Somehow I think that the players and cryptic are talking about different things when they talk about making the game more challenging. NPCs are still outfittet with 2 to 5 (or 6?) abilitys they fire as soon as they can and the rest of the time most of them are just flying circles because they want to line up their nose…
Get it, its WAI (working as intended) The whole time DR was on tribble it was like it is now on Holo. And all that was said by the holo-players was allready said by the tribble players. It is how they made it "harder" as the players wished. Only problem is, it is not harder or more challenging but just longer and more…