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raistalion Arc User



  • I am seeing this bug as well. Also my fleets various ranks dont always seem to be always able to edit an event, some ranks can when the permission is set, while others can't. For example, rank 6 can't but rank 5 can even when the same permission is set.
  • I also have this problem, it appears that the word "Rare" is added to the name of the Epohh, but the item itself is only Common/White Quailty and its throwing off what this is.
  • Im in a similar boat, all my non-equipped Kit Modules like those in my bank were upgraded, but the equipped frame and modules was not restored to me and is now stuck in the Kit slot. I can see a black Icon with the 5 little markers for the installed modules. Edit: Looks like zoning about a few times unstuck the modules,…
  • Im going to put this in as a request rather than a new thread but... Could we please have 2 things added to the Wetsuit, please. First, can we have a zipper on the back, done up to the neck with the pull cord? For Reference, this is what I mean...…
  • Could we get a numerical rating for where we position the slider then? Would that be easier to implement in the short term? aka each slider has a rating of 0 to 100 so we can see what exact point we are at if trying to make duplicate positions across other slots/boffs. - Raith
  • I like the idea that Starfleet has completely taken over that entire area. The university I went to worked sort of like that on a smaller scale, but it owned a lot of land and over the time I was there buildings were shuffled, staff moved about and the definitions of some buildings migrated, all as a result of renovations…
  • Today was a good day, I estimate that with the double bonus I raked in over 35,000 Raw Dilithium, fantastic! Except... After 8,500 whats the point? I guess its a good backup for when i can't get theat amount, but I already had a store of 50,000 Raw Dilithium. So as I was suddenly feeling like all I had accomplished was to…
  • Wow, that is some seriously patient work. - Raith
  • I read that, and pretty much though, hooray even more white items... thus my suggestion. - Raith
  • I'm too lazy to find a place to post the screenshot but the Consoles in the Rotunda of SFA behind Viala have messed up Geo AND are using the old blue LCARS which is stretched cause of the broken Geo. - Raith
  • I'll play this game... If I could wish for Gal-X upgrades... 4+ Lance Forward weapons (with damage-type choice, and give it a nice +acc bonus so the lance hits given its slow recharge), 3 rear sounds good to me, but I would also give it a bonus foreward shield modification so that its tougher point on while weaker in the…
  • Will Arc always be running while you are playing a game and will it be constantly sending a data stream in addition to a games back and forth to its server? I'm on a very limited data cap due to my remote location and if it is anywhere near as intensive as Steam I will have to give up STO which I do not want. - Raith
  • I submitted a bug report for this, but I missed out on the Dilithium reward from Crystalline Cataclysm (Elite) yesterday and I think the day before, but I not sure about that earliest one as I wasn't paying close attention to my dilithium at the time. - Raith
  • I'm seeing the cancel buttons on other Tholian rep generating projects (they're there till you fill them and the counter starts) just not the bottom most queue so I think its in "partly" just not what people were after or theirs something not hooked up right. - Raith
  • I have the reverse problem sorta. I registered my Hyper Cryo Launcher and then though, huh guess I can trade it in... I was wrong. Now the trade-in thing is stuck with no way to remove it afaik. - Raith
  • I like it, for one single event in game its not about "he whose DPS is highest", if you want that there are PVP, STFS and pretty much every other event in game. - Raith
  • I really like the idea, but i thinking of it as something not just for Cruiser but all ships. I've felt the idea that a Warp Core to separate out the Warp/Impulse effects for ships was much needed, and I see this as a similar opportunity. I see two alternate options to just a purely Light, Medium, Heavy Armour. Armour…
  • I did some experiments trying to figure out what might be happening with beams and it seems like it MAY just be a major problem with Phasers. I only say that as it did not seem to effect my Anti-proton trials as severely though even those seemed slow. What I did was to remove all my weapons except 1 beam and timed it. Over…
  • I have noticed this as well, though I don't seem to be able to improve the situation with a restore to default. Im not sure if the Beams are firing slower or if the attacks are cutting short. In either case there has been a noticeable drop in my DPS since about 3 days ago. I just sent in a bug describing this as best I…
  • I don't know if this will help but I was having trouble logging in as people have previously mentioned. Anyway I was using that Hotspot Shield thing but decided to have a look at something else instead. I went into my PWE account and reset the Browser Safeguard and Computer Safeguard part of the Account Safeguard (Delete…
  • The speed of sound is lower the higer you are in altitude as thier is less for "sounds" to reverberate off. At the same time Terminal velocity is reduced by the thinner atmosphere as thier is less drag. So basically it was a combination of both being far enough but still able to "fall" combined with less needed speed. This…
  • I noticed that the Personnel on your starbase don't seem to be correctly positioned in regards to "uniform" type. I saw a Blue Science person on the engineering deck telling me about equipment upgrades. Most of the people in the medical bay were in Gold engineering uniforms. And at the main control in the tactical level…
  • My experience with testing the new ground missions is as follows... First, I found the ground maps really small, there was a lot of running around the same little area to get numerous respawn interacts over and over. In this same area i was competing with 6 or 7 other people (Esp. Outside). Im not sure of the design…