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What is the Arc Client?
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queenvaccine Cryptic Developer



  • Hi Folks, There's currently an issue with creating characters with species purchased in the C-Store so we have removed that portion of the store for now. We hope to have it addressed soon! You should be able to still make characters with Species obtained through other means (Lifetime subscription or Reputations).
  • Hi folks, This is something we were aware of and fixed. It should be fine on the latest Tribble build.
  • Issue confirmed. We'll pass this on to the team. Thanks for reporting it!
  • Greetings Captains! QueenVaccine here, I am your QA Lead for Star Trek Online. First of all, I am thrilled to see so many people volunteer for this group. I have wanted to start a group like this on Star Trek Online since I first joined the STO team last year and I owe LaughingTrendy for helping to make it happen. This is…