I've been asked to provide steps to reproduce the bug:* Equip the console on a ship in space. * Note the damage while mousing over the console's activation icon in the UI tray normally at the bottom of the screen. * Add a console that buffs [Torpedo] damage -- such as the Isomagnetic Plasma Distribution Manifold [Torpedo]…
Yes but a Legendary iteration would be an account unlock. I'm already resisting the third instance of each of two different lobi ships. If I "buy" a third instance of either I'll feel I've earned the right to tattoo an "L" on my forehead.
I concur! I've recently returned to using the Cardassian ships introduced with the Gamma Quadrant arc, and a spiral wave omni was one of the first things I was missing! Also, a fleet-level or legendary Keldon class would be nice to find in the C-Store!
If you've friends IRL who play the other games it's good run into them and be able to chat for a bit. I used to play Champions Online and will miss not happening into those I know still there.
4 science consoles, 3 engineering, and 4 tactical, plus the universal; +10 weapons/+10 aux power, and a Lt. Commander tactical BOFF would be cherry. But, oh well. :(
Can't believe there's one *fewer* tactical console on the new Intrepid. I was looking forward to it until that bit of info. I'd rather a science or engineering console be swapped for it.
Having the same problem with the Advanced Light Cruiser [T6]; selecting the Centaur fails on save and selecting Centaur parts won't happen depending on which ship model in the tailor one starts with.
retcon: noun 1) a subsequent revision of an established story in film, TV, video games, or comics https://www.dictionary.com/browse/retcon If a fan of Sir Arthur Conan Dolye's novels takes issue with later works like a television production, it's hardly appropriate to call the fan of the original the heretic. Legal rights…
+1 Been here since beta. The T6 TOS through STO era Fed ships I *don't* own I can count on one hand with fingers left over. (And I have *3* TOS/TMP Connies I love that ship so much!!!) Now every one of my ships has the new show's warp sounds and I don't even see it acknowledged as a problem to be addressed. I'll check in…
You can only equip one crafted omni at a time. I’m not proposing that change, just the expansion of the VFX and proc types available to match other available beam arrays.
Not being able to get to the missions I'd like to play because they are newly inaccessible without replaying other content is making this gaming session work instead of play. No thanks.
From Cryptic’s standpoint this is likely a feature. Players can no longer know to avoid sparsely populated queues. I just got into a normally empty queue in about a minute. The downside is that informed choice is out the window as we’re treated like a draft horse and been fitted with blinders. Also, now the default “warp…