there to-do list is empty, they havent find any bugs lately, because the game is stable and everyone is happy, so they did start with improving some graphics, according to there master of the internetz the to-do list was finishd 3 years ago.
you are right,the whole game is code/programming, a 0 where a 1 is supposed to be, can make such problems, aslo, the elachi boff and console's slots/hullhp/shield modi, or not designed from scratch, they grab a line of code here, a line there, throw it in the blender, and the elachi monbosh is born, so a mistake is easly…
i, as a pvp player, say youre right, i dont support the nerf, and indeed, the whole pvp subforum, and the channels where spammed with nerf this console, and it soooo op cry's.... it was fine as it was, and besides that, a weapon disable prov doesnt do anything, 2/3 nukara set, eptw 1,2 or 3 fix that, there is no perception…
there still is a dev blog on the forums, and for people who dont use the forums, when you right click on the boxed ship, it lists all the specs there,it didnt say cloack there.
oke, lets say it this way: how does one obtain dilithuim? is it rare, or common? how does one obtain lobi crystals? are they rare, or common? lobi come's from boxes, boxes needs to be opend with keys, keys come from zen, people buy zen with real money. and yes, keys are on the exchange aswell, and yes dilithuim to zen…
oke, but, this id easy exploiteble, if i buy, say, 3 monbosh ships off the exchange, so i dont pay any lobi myself, and i turn all 3 in for lobi, i basicly get 2400 lobi, they are never gonna do that. about the phasers, people did buy the phasers from dilithuim, so the "payment" couldnt be payed from anything else then…
it was widely announced that the cloack is a mistake, and that it will be removed, so buying it after the announcement then asking for a refund is a noo noo. same as with disruptor nerf.... sorry i mean "fixxxxxx" do some research. so sorry little bukaneer, no refund, arrgggh pegi 18. 1 vision, 1 purpose, peace trough…
aaargh, i approve, no server stabillity upgrade's anymore, only nerfss. argh! pegi 18. you know it, so please dont read further! no candy for you if you do!
look who's back! talking behind my back aint nice oke?:D 1 vision: to put them fake pvp gods back in place. 1 purpose: to make them keep mouth shut for nerfzz.. mouth only allowed to be opend for: food,drinks, asking if you may leave youre seat to make a toilet stop, and to praise scimitars and there mighty captains! other…
fixed it for yha. ps, does this seems familiar, perhaps...perhaps not.... 1 vision, 1 purpose, peace trough power! oow and before i forget: may the dictatorsship prevail! arrrgh, pegi 18