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What is the Arc Client?
Install Arc

plantcentia Arc User



  • some days i can write like a champ, other days i dont give a damm, only those with a high IQ knows how to read a poet.
  • im not offended, criticism is another form of education. with out criticism i wouldnt be able to know how or where to focus on details. i decided to take this project one step father to include baby animals as children. too many mistakes, i forgot to paint his teeth white. lol, hes missing bottem teeth.…
  • im just an idiot machinima artist. who was out to make a nice video for new years. a foolish wish i thought if i was able to get many people involve the water triklering effect would help inspire peace in our society.. Change of plans,. 2013 For The Children Share The World. including baby animals, their children too i…
  • Let me get this straight, instead of working on a project that someone is interested in and might be willing to actually pay for, you are instead bugging the President, governors, law enforcement people, and everyone else you can think of over a project that no one is interested in and that makes you look like a deviate…
  • Grouchy Gracie will Pwn Klingons Night and Day! lol,