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ouroboros99 Arc User



  • The escort thing does seem disproportionately difficult compared to the other potential objectives. The furthest I've ever got in that was the second wave of incoming transports and with 13/15 already destroyed the mission basically failed immediately. It's pretty much down to how the transports are deployed. That idiotic…
  • So what if he's flying something like an escort. He's supposed to waste the few tiny heals he gets trying to keep some bad alive so they can just die a few seconds later anyway? No they just need to straight up stop sucking that bad. If you're dying in Borg Disconnected normal there is something seriously wrong with your…
  • The most important factors for shields. -Hardness/Damage resistance (typically via skills like EptS and TSS) -Bleed through (resilient shields unless you've got a really good reason not to) -Capacity (get enough to make sure your facings aren't burning down but don't give up any of the first two to get more) Passive regan…
  • Use the hybrid lt intel for oss and ionic turbulence and you won't think it does less damage anymore.
  • If you're looking for DPS and firepower the Ar'kif is probably the one you're looking for. It's got 5 tactical consoles and plenty of tactical seating to let you run high level cannon powers as well as the high level attack patterns to support them for more damage. You also get the hanger bay which adds a good deal of…
  • I'm not sure if numerically FAW2 and APB2 isn't better than APB1 and FAW3. I run the former on my D'deridex. You might also want to think about FAW2 Omega 1 as well. General tips Lose the torps. They'll cost you DPS and threat everytime you try yo turn and use them. Replace them with two more phaser beam arrays. You should…
  • For your engineer I'd definitely recommend an eclipse instead. It's good, really good. You can basically get a LT com tactical and a commander intel and still have enough eng and sci to stay alive. You'll be a bit squishier with a tac but an eng plugs that hole and the damage the ship can do is apocalyptic. This thing is…
  • Complete ground up tear down and revamp of ground combat removing things like -tab targeting:This is at least 50% of the reason why ground combat is as terrible and boring as it is. -people getting hit by 100 anti proton beams before they actually die: Seriously? -add a cover system: Think of what the gunfights in star…
  • I was looking to get it because I'm sick of things just outrunning my hyper plasma torps forever. I'd expect something like an escort to do it but I'm talking Vaadwar heavy arty ships here. I figured it would be a waste of time trying to make them faster, was hoping I was wrong though. I Guess I'l be going adapted maco…
  • So i'd just bought a 14 million dollar bridge officer off the exchange and was in the middle of changing her uniform before accepting her into my crew when my game crashed. How likely am I to get screwed by this.
  • This happens to me every time I visit there to. Quick workaround: Open the episode missions and select one of the early ones to replay. Pay the 500ec to transwarp to the start of it and you'll be free from academy purgatory.
  • One thing that jumps out at me is that if you're going to be running grav well you probably also want a good torp spread to take advantage of that better. If you want to stick with the Rom torp though HY3. I'd drop one of the FAW3s for torp spread 3 (or HY3 if using Rom torp) and turn one of the HY2s into an attack pattern…
  • I'm thinking of getting a scimitar and doing something like this with it. http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=dbbs_0 The second 360 ap rear beam would be the one from the obelisk set, the other a crafted beam from t15 beam R&D. Basically you'll still get all beams firing to one side like with the old aux to bat scim…
  • I would like to see the higher difficulty enemies doing more damage instead of just having ridiculous HP pools that are tedious to burn through. The birds of prey in the cure are probably the best example I can think of. Their HP pools are absolutely hilarious. The way to do the mission now seems to be to literally just…
  • Those big Vaadwuar ships love to turn tail and run in one direction, this makes them pretty easy, if tedious kills if you exploit that intentionally. Basically just get right on top of it and just hit it with beams out the side/top/bottom of your cruiser. Then when it starts to run just keep pace alongside it like you were…
  • I'm liking the Aelahl. It's the first Cryptic Romulan design I like and I think it actually follows well from the design of the D'deridex. My fleet DD will always be my primary ship but I'll be picking up an Aelahl for a cannon/plasma build to add some variety.
  • Dear Scimitar Captains Please use your battle cloaks. If you don't want them, give them to me so I can sell them and buy more green paint to cover the nicks in my D'deridex. The nicks I get when I lower my shields to use the cloaking device the Empire's scientists so kindly installed in my ship. I realize your ships are…
  • I've run the feet D'deridex as my main ship on my main toon since legacy of Romulus came out and I don't get the dislike for it from the playerbase at all. It's by far my favorite ship and the only conclusion I can draw is that most of the complaints about turn rate especially come from people trying to use cannons on it,…
  • get the c-store one then 1 module for the fleet one. The cost is the same and it unlocks account wide this way instead of just for the one character.
  • The conflict sucks and will hopefully be patched out soon, but I'd still take them anyway if I couldn't get elite fleet shields. Definitely do this if you want better offense as well as defense. Also get the other two piece borg set. The kinetic cutting beam + the borg universal console. They have a proc that drastically…
  • Ok here's some initial impressions in regard to survivability only. -First thing you should do is go into the dilithium store and purchase a set of two mk XI rare field generators. They cost 11,350 dil each and will make a drastic difference in the thickness of your shields. Either move the isometric charge to eng or drop…
  • If you wouldn't mind posting your build I could probably help you. Mine can sit in front of the Borg gateway on elite and the shields never even get close to going down. It really is a very good ship when set up right.
  • I use the science for polarize hull 1, HE2 and TSS 3. The gimmick powers don't work well with low aux power but TSS still gives the full damage reduction and the heal is still ok if not spectacular. You can down an aux battery or activate RSP if you really need the shield heal badly. TB2 is another option I've considered…
  • Ten tactical consoles, 8 forward facing weapons, and so godawful ugly its own mother threw it down a singularity.
  • Well you do get 40 less power to put into your shields than the other two factions. If you want one buy it. Anyone trying to tell you that a console you can buy from the in game store is "cheating", isn't someone who's opinion you need to be worried about.
  • It's probably one of the best ships in the game to use an aux to bat build on. If you don't run an aux to bat build it's nothing special, but with one it turns quite nasty. I have mine set up with TSS3 and EPTS3. With aux to bat you can keep both running near constantly along with tac team which adds up to 45% damage…
  • You're overlooking another important point of comparison. When you fly around in your D'deridex you'll be constantly reminded of some of the best Star Trek that was ever produced. When they fly around in their Scimitars they'll be constantly reminded of that terrible, terrible movie. Run aux to bat and 3 purple technicians…
  • I was annoyed by it having 2 more turn than the D'deridex at first to, but 7 turn is still bad and the shifted weapon from the rear to the front will make it even easier for escorts to exploit that and eat it alive from behind. For blowing up probes with DHC I'm sure it'll be ace, though I'm expecting to see plenty of them…
  • TNG era Romulan pack in the same style as the DS9 etc packs. So you'd get the TNG era Romulan uniforms, a scaling TNG style disruptor pistol, maybe scaling ship disruptor weapons as well, and a few other ods and ends.
  • Just out of curiosity anyone have experience with how much longer the stun/disable gets on VM and PSW with maxed out SSD vs no points in SSD? I'm thinking of maxing it or near maxing it on my Romulan but being that it's so late in the tree doing it's going to take points away from something important and I'm wondering if…