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What is the Arc Client?
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oninobyoki Arc User



  • I'm honored to say I met Mr. Nimoy in my youth. He was a kind man, very friendly. Of all the celebrities I have, and will ever meet, Mr. Nimoy will be my most cherished memory. My thoughts go out to his wife and surviving family.
  • I, too, have had this problem...mostly when trying to quick hop from combat target to combat target...however, one "sort of" fix I've found is that engaging in combat will drop you out of Full Impulse. So, not exactly the BEST way, but if you're trying to get from waypoint A to waypoint B where combat is (like in the FE),…
  • Just as a side note, you used to get ALL of your Veteran Rewards right off the bat (extra ship slots, Android BOff, etc...), now you have to make it to a certain level...it was a bit of a shock to myself when I couldn't start off with my ship and have my Liberated Borg BOff, my Android BOff, etc...so, that's just a head's…