Hi Fleet "Forty fat and ferengi" is looking for a home in an armada. Starbase T1, rest still 0. Just a small fleet, so plenty of possibilities to make fleet credita so long as the dilithium holds up. So if you like you can just send an invite or stomail ma'lis@novice101
I tried it yesterday together with the nukara webmine. Flew in spewing beams and photon torps, unloaded web mines with dispersal pattern beta III as I passed the target, the cluster torp was on autoshoot so it fired of as soon as the target was in sight. The web mines caught the target and then the 4 mines from the cluster…
I got the "red matter capacitor" when I bought the gold edition. But that was about a year ago, so maybe it doesn't work anymore. I got it on sale so the cost was about the same as a game time card, which I was using at the time for subscribtion.
The guys name was, I believe, equinox something or other, can't remember his handle. ICE: Infected: the Conduit (Elite) I've seen it used on PublicEliteSTF so I thought it was the same.
I had a guy telling me that people learning to teamplay was more important than him checking his repair state. He had played most of ICE with 5 or 6 debuffs.
Not really my worst but what the heck. I just finished ICE, got the optional. We did okay Then I send a private message to one on the team, that he had to check his repair state. Since he played most of the mission with 5 or 6 debuff's. His reply almost send me into a tailspin: "Mostly people have to learn how to teamplay…
I have a lowspec. computer setup, so if I set the viewing distance just right, the giftboxes loses a corner and it's rather easy to see parts of the party goer sticking out:D
Just did the t4 and t5 mission in one go. I didn't do the missions until I had advanced to t5. Got the 750 marks for t5 while in the power station and picked up the remaining 10 marks for t4 outside from civilian.