Thank you @"ambassadorkael#6946" and the rest of the people there for doing the charity stream/drive! But sadly, I do have to report that I donated $10 and still haven't received my code. Do I need to send in a copy of my donation receipt or something to get this resolved?
I also completed the project and didn't receive the 3X Featured TFO Boxes. I got the rifle and the box of marks/dil, but no box of featured TFO rewards. >_<
Edited: So after reading your response on tribble directed energy weapons includes cannons and turrents and such things as well as the two energy torpedoes in game, but not things like console weapons, lances, etc. Is that correct? I'd say 15-20% myself, yes. Torpedoes are already looked down upon unless you're…
I found the battle zone interesting and I appreciate that you made an attempt to differentiate it a bit from the previous battle zones. In terms of looks, I thought it was lovely. The intro to the area seemed reasonably explanatory and the new enemy ships seemed fairly interesting to fight. I'm an average player at best,…
#TeamCharlie for sure! Having a literal flying saucer in game is much cooler than a wedge and orders of magnitude better than a ship that looks like ones already in game.
That is definitely good information to have and it is potentially useful, it just doesn't solve the underlying issue of them not affecting System Space travel anymore. I am curious, however, whether these bonuses to sector space travel stack with the bonuses given by the Assimilated/MACO engines.
I'm glad to see that change. Speaking of the Weapon Damage skill, do things like unarmed strikes and smacking someone with your rifle butt count? What about captain traits like Bite for Gorn and Pounce for the cats? Are there any skills that affect these? Thank you so much for this!
Thanks for doing this stream and taking questions! Almost all of my space questions and concerns have already been addressed and while I am concerned about some of the unlock choices and crafting of training manuals, I'm cautiously optimistic about the new system. Although I will add that I'd adore the ability to purchase…
This, yes. They also blame bad record-keeping and the KDF's inability to tell male from female for them being labeled male. =P Alternately, they tell people that all Gorn are both male and female, so they really don't care what people assume.
I understand why you guys are retiring the old currency and will be doing different vouchers for each year's event. I know it is very annoying for people that had currency saved up, but I understand the reasoning. What I really don't understand is the decision to prevent players from slotting event projects to earn the…
I'm glad they know what is going on and are working on it at least. I have a Caitian, Ferasan, two Joined Trill and two Remans and the only ones still available in the character creator (as of last night) were the Remans. Those might be unlocked because of having t5 Romulan rep though. Edit: None of those issues are…
I'm definitely going to be buying this bundle when it comes out. It's great to see one of the non-Klingon KDF ships getting some t6 love and I'm glad the Kolasi is going to have some new, unique hanger pets to go with it. I'm a little concerned that our new KDF dreadnought is based off a small, fragile, non-cloaking ship…
Yes Theta looks like it could be a cruiser, but carriers are at least supposed to be big and bulky looking. Epsilon reminds me too much of an escort. #TeamAnythingButOmega
#TeamDelta I do think it's a little top heavy and I wish the pylons and nacelles were closer in to the main body, but I want a massive flight deck on a carrier. It also has the best hanger bay placement of any of the designs.
Normally I like ships with a design like Alpha, but Beta looks like it would make a much better carrier. I expect a carrier to have a nice, wide flight deck with room to launch all the small craft. #TeamBeta Hopefully we'll get to do something fun like this for the KDF side soon too. =)
Unless they have completely changed how it works from previous events you will still be able to earn the ship. You just won't be able to *use* it on a character below level 40.
It's funnier when you think of it as an only slightly modified version of what happened in the actual dev team meeting. =P "But aren't the players expecting to collect Risian ships for the summer event?" "No trust us, what they really want is a Ferengi/Cardassian ship! Don't worry, we'll put shiny bits on it!"
I guess we know why you've been so excited about the ship now! =P I'm looking forward to seeing what the new ship will be like. I'm sad that I'll never be able to get the Corvette or cruiser though. I've been looking forward to getting the Corvette since I joined during the winter event and I'm worried I won't be able to…
I have to admit that I was excited to do the summer event for my first time and seeing what new ship you guys would come up with anyway, but this definitely makes it better! After all the horror of the last couple of days I think this is a very good job and I will certainly enjoy knowing that future characters can get…
Thank you Sammie, that is exactly my point. As a new(ish) player I am still trying to save up for more than one decent Zen ship. I was very much looking forward to having some variety in ships to fly in the mean time. That doesn't even factor in how I just like playing events and earning things and really wanted to be able…
That's my problem. There are already so many cool or interesting things that I can't ever do/get because they were removed from the game, now these are getting added to the list. I have a Breen carrier on two characters and now a horde of alts who want one, but I'm afraid they'll never be able to get one and that I'll…
Oh man, this really sucks for new players like myself. I just started the game around Christmas and I was very much looking forward to being able to get the Risan Corvette and cruiser. I know midniteshadow7 said people who've already gotten it will still be able to get them for their alts, but since I wasn't here to run…
Aww, man. All errors in maintenance start time aside, when I was playing earlier this morning the event description said it was going till noon. I was hoping to get my brand new captain in and get her one of the discounted ships. =(