KDF aligned Romulan male character also has same issue with MkXII Omega ground set. all parts of set acquired, completed costume project, no costume option to change. I have other toons with KHG and Omega MkXII sets and have done them, I do know where to change the option from Uniform or Off Duty costume to Omega, this…
on my Romulan KDF aligned character, I acquired the Omega MkXII Ground set, completed the costume project and can not customize my Omega costume. It does not appear in the option at all. Only Uniform and Off Duty shows up. Filed bug reports, gm tickets, etc.. Side note, I seem to have an "extra" costume slot that appeared…
I also have been getting constantly disconnected. I log in, try to turn in a doff or rep mission and... poof! Disconnected. Time to go do something else for a while.