^^^ The forum is where they tell us to go with such problems. Just got this ship not long ago and it’s still broken, at least on Xbox. There are some supposed “work-arounds” out there, but they’re kludgy at best.
I really wish they would bring back the event calendar. I had no idea it was going on until I happened to see the Ferengi on the DS9 promenade totally by accident today and it’s ending tomorrow! :(
I know he’s supposed to be near one of the turbolifts next to Quark’s, but he isn’t - at least on the current version I’m running on the Xbox. I checked every square inch of the entire promenade, and both levels, including Ops (and all three levels at Quark’s) and Kurland is nowhere to be found. I guess this is another…
Honestly, I’ve never once had a problem with it. At least, not since the environmental suits got their own inventory slot and could be automatically deployed upon the start of the op. That was a much-needed enhancement. After that was done, I’ve not experienced a single issue.
Goodness! I had no idea this would cause such a stir when I first asked the question (apologies to @darkbladejk for initially putting it in the wrong forum area). I also had no idea of the inherent complexities of charity drives as described here. Well, if it returns, awesome. If not, I understand the caveats involved.…
Makes sense, thank you for the info. Yeah, the Vanity Shields are definitely a mixed bag. Just recently got the Ba’ul shield (at 199m) and I definitely like the jet black look. Other than the Pink shield, I still have the 32nd Century, Section 31 and Tzenkethi shields to go and I’ll have the full set. There are, of course,…
I thought it was a reference to fly-in (and fly-out) cutscenes as your ship enters and leaves a system. Yeah, we need a setting to turn those off as well, or at least allow a “B” button skip like with the longer cutscenes.
Somehow I don’t think that will help. I’ve recently been going through a bunch of the older single-player missions to acquire various shields/deflectors/impulse engines that have visual components to them and the rubber banding still happens. This baffles me, because I’m not technically online with anyone else. No crowds,…
So, a small update with a pattern. Both the “Workbees” and the new “Andorian Blue Bores” vanity shields are only available via the Event Store from the Events menu. They are not available through the Risian Vendor anymore, but other things are. The Risian Vendor seems to have a smaller subset of things available than the…
Happening to me too. I’ve been able to work around it - once you have your traits set up just the way you want them, immediately save your ships’ loadout to that configuration. That way, if it ever goes funny again, you can re-load the saved loadout and the traits will return to the last saved state. Yeah, this is a bad…
Confirmed, I was able to finish the mission, but for some odd and mildly amusing reason, the camera was targeting an area several feet above my character’s head and it was sometimes difficult to see what was going on around me. I was able to finally muddle through it.
What’s worse, after that crash, it crashes at least once trying to log back in before you can get to a spot that you can abort the mission. Amusingly, it starts you off in the Voyager’s transporter room with Tilly glitching, walking around in the wall and ceiling.
Yep just hit it twice myself in almost exactly the same spot. After clearing transporter control, Tilly asks the Inquisitor what he’s doing there, if not for the Marshal. He responds, “I’m here for the Emperororirorororororr”… The sound flips out followed by a full CTD.
The claim button didn’t happen for me either and I felt a brief moment of panic. I found that the ship box just automatically showed up in my inventory and I was able to activate it without any hassle. However, when my daughter completed the last day, the claim button did appear for her. It was very strange. I’d look in…
I have the same problem in Counterpoint. If you fly too close to DS9’s outer ring, you can quite easily get stuck. The vertical pylons, however, can be passed right through.