Have you tried using the latest beta drivers? The version you are using created an issue for this game. The second to last set of drivers that came out in march 2015 (15.3) Specifically had a release note addressing issues within Star Trek Online, mainly to do with square artifacts appearing. It could be related to what…
You've got to be joking me! Thanks for the link, but the proposals on the first post are a total p!ss take, Cryptic for the love of god, just restore the STFS to a closer resemblance of what they were before DR. and before someone copies and pastes the self righteous Dev statement I read yesterday about it being the "Dev's…
Is anything actually happening about this? before DR I was a casual player at lev 50, Not a DPS Boat and certainly without all the top end goodies and I actually enjoyed the advanced STF's, good drops in proportion to the amount of effort going in. Since DR the only advanced STF's I can complete are Voretx and Crystalline,…
Agreed this either needs to be reversed or something else has to change, for example the childrens toys / fabricate prototype console needs to have a higher rate of giving players what they need. If it's not addressed I'll be putting my money in the 'Playstation 4' Fund and not the C Store lol. Max
Chuffed to see Tour the Universe has been tampered with... I've only just started using it as a viable means to earn EC two days ago and this happens. I doubt we'll see better loot drops to include MK XII Consoles that most of us have to grind to save up for in the exchange. Takes The Michael :(