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  • Uh oh PL is talking to himself again guess we may need a another intervention soon lol
  • Peace and long life I hope everyone took advantage of the dilithum weekend I know the VKF did. Sadly though many Borg did not survive the weekend If you enjoy doing countless STFs or pretty much any thing else why not give the VKF a try just go online at www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com Live Long and Prosper Mopar out
  • Peace and Long Life if your looking for an easy going laid back fleet with lots of great and helpful members then look no further. As a proud member of the VKF for Over 2 years now I've had the honor of fighting side by side with some of the best this game has to offer from all over the globe we have members from all over…
  • Howdy ozekki I will get an invite out as soon as I get my New computer up and STO downloaded hehe your welcome to check out or Fleet website aswell. www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com Mopar out
  • Yes all are welcome except Feringie I don't trust them... Ok Feringie but no Romulans....ok Romulans... But no bajorians... Jk.....but seriously no bajorians.. I jest i jest ....but for real no bajorians :p muahaha now back to work in the mines our fleet needs Dilithum for the final upgrade to the spire only 600k to go…
  • Howdy Mugato glad to see your still around hope all is well Don't be having to much fun I know how you Romulan like to Party :) Live Long and Prosper Mopar Out
  • Peace And Long Life Hail and well met Darren and thanks for the Ale i'll have to tip the guard at the door to look the other way it's one benifit of a Feringi Security officer... haha We are also doing well here at the VKF and Glad to hear that the Federation Fleet is also doing good i belive a Joint Fleet event should be…
  • Peace and Long Life Hello again all [VKF]Mopar here I have returned from my 4 day shore leave on Risa glad to be back in the captains chair again. I'm ready to dive back into battle refreshed and renewed so if your looking for a fun eager and battle ready group of people then the VKF is just what doctor McCoy ordered so…
  • Peace and Long Life good morning all I hope everyone Is ready for the weekend I know I sure am so why go outside on those nice sunny days when you could join the VKF and spend your time inside taking the Borg and Voth down a peg or two if that sounds good then log on to www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com and join us may you all…
  • Peace and Long Life I hope everyone is staying safe here in the central state's during this Winter storm. And hope everyone around the world is doing well. If your tired of your small inactive fleet, tired of those endless STF pug's or just want someone to toss around Ship build's with...Then give the VKF a go it's only…
  • Hope everyone is taking advantage of the Bouns Fleet Mark event weekend I know the VKF sure is we filled the Fleet mark part of T3 Spire Research in less the a few hour's 9k marks. But we still have a way's to go so we spent yesterday at dyson Battleground and had two team's toghter fighting it out with the Voth!! Alway's…
  • Peace and Long Life Did everyone take advantage of the dilithum weekend?? I know I sure did and I seen many teams the last few days really grinding STFs and crystalline Entity. Really helped move the KDF and Fed side along so why not join us and be ready for next weekends event so log on to www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com and…
  • Peace and Long Life Hope everyone is doing well and staying warm during these what seem's like non-stop cold and snowy day's so why not Join the VKF to spend those boring day's at home with an awesome group of people. Have fun with our awesome fleet join us for Fleet wedensday both EU fleet day that morning or US fleet day…
  • Peace And Long Life Hope everyone had a great weekend did everyone put the hurt on some Voth while the event is going i know myself and other fleetmate's have been grinding away :) If you are tired of soloing the grind or just tired of your inactive fleet then Log on to www.VulcanKolinahrFleet.com And join us we are…
  • Peace and Long Life hope everyone is having a good day today. I just wanted to invite any one to join the VKF weather your fleet is dead, or you feel overlooked in your current fleet your fleet doesn't use Team speak, your looking to become more active in PvP we have many members who have a second home in Ker'rat or just…
  • Peace And Long Life Happy New Year to everyone from the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet May you Live Long and Prosper www.VulcanKolinahrFleet.com
  • Peace And Long Life Happy New Year from your Friend's in the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet Live Long and Prosper
  • Peace and Long Life Happy New Year from your Friends at the Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet Live Long and Prosper
  • Peace And Long Life Good afternoon folks does everyone have there New Years resolution in mind I know mine is to continue to help this awesome fleet to move up and outward the most I can!! So I hope that your Resolution might be to join us on our quest to greatness or to even join an allied fleet we have many and always…
  • Peace and Long life just wanted to take a moment to invite anyone looking for a helpful active fleet. Well look no further then the VKF were always looking for afew more members. Log on to www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com
  • Peace and Long Life good Monday morning to everyone just wanted to drop in and say if your looking for a place to call home port then I highly recommend the VKF I joined over a year ago and I have never regreted it one minute so yeild to the logic and go to www.vulcankolinahrfleet.com and as always Live Long And Prosper
  • Peace and Long Life Mister-Mopar here i just wanted to take a moment and welcome all the new VKF fleet members who have joined us this week. Also to congratulate Velo on his promotion in the VKF. And to mention the VKFs new program Big Brothers/Big Sister were we pair all new members to veteran fleet members to help you…
  • Peace and Long Life We hit Tier 4 Starbase yesterday so we now have a Complete Tier 3 Dilithium Mine, Complete Tier 3 Embassay, T1 Spire is on it's way in 15hr's and were in high gear to Tier 5 Starbase but we could alway's use another helping hand or 20 :) but if your just looking for a laid back and easy going fleet with…
  • Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving and didn't pig out on all that food but, if you did you know a great way to burn some calories?!?!? Fighting the BORG and Voth!!!!! So why not join us and let's get to work the pounds will fly off....(warning STO will not help you lose weight but joining the VKF will increase your…
  • Peace and Long Life Just wanted to take a moment to Inform all about our Progress in the STO world we will soon finish our last item in the Embassay "The Chef" Our Spire is 7 Day's from Tier 1, our Dilithum Mine is only 20 hour's from finishing Tier 3, and our Tier 4 Starbase just went in progess so only 8 day's away!!! I…
  • "Incoming Emergency hail" This is the U.S.S. Kentucky .... Under .....tck from T.....BORG ship in disarray all... Suffer...Sever damage to..... Can't ...much... Longer need bac.... Location 299.4 by 451.9 delta Quad.... I repeat.... "Transmission cutoff at source" So Captain what do you do ignore this hail or join the…
  • It was indeed a good afternoon Phoenix_Lord cause I do believe you and a small task force went deep into the contested zone and fought a long and bloody battle with the Voth. Then shortly after you left for some R&R at earth space dock. The task force was reassigned to the Borg front and were victorious in all battles!!…
  • Good morning all just a friendly reminder the [VKF] is always looking for a few good soldiers to press on in the on going conflicts be It the Klingons to the mighty Borg or now the newest threat the Voth!!! So if your tired of those solo runs the over demanding fleets no one on TS3 then give the VKF a chance glad i did…
  • All i can is Roll Tide Roll!!! :)
  • Peace and Long Life my friend's I feel it's only logical that i inform you of such a fascinating Group of individual's The Vulcan Kolinahr Fleet has. To start With our CO/Fleet Leader Phoenix_Lord or Rich as we know him is Honest, Helpful, Trusting and above all a fair and polite leader to which i have found is beyond rare…