Neither I would like faction specific ships for the anniversary. Fed/Rom and KDF not another alien ship i'll never fly even if free. Unless the starship mastery trait has the "WOW" factor i'll be passing on grinding/adding this to my collection.
Only real challenge in this game is overcoming human error and ignorance. Is DPS at the crazy end of the spectrum ?. Yes it is However I prefer my DPS at the crazy end of the spectrum so I can do my best to negate the challenge of human error and ignorance. I'm playing a match with x other people for a reward based on…
Don't forget the domino effect. Any Nerf to a 150k Dpser is a nerf to EVERYONE as its gear and abilities that have to adjusted. So knocking down a 150ker by say 50% also has the knock on effect of reducing a lower players DPS which results in even worse Public Runs and even more people looking to hide out in private PvE…
Intrepid for me. Although a parser may say i'm doing just as much DPS as when flying a Nebula/Nova/Nautilus or other Sci ship for some reason the Intrepid always feels to me like i've got to work harder for those numbers. Using it feels like a struggle, a underwhelming ship to fly.
Need to face facts people as long as the current hierarchy running the game stays in its decision making position PvP development is going to see less attention than a Klingon streaking naked through Starfleet Academy handing out posies and preaching peace and love for all. This game may have been launched with PvP as part…
thinking about this release unless there are plans to release a T6 version not yet shared I honestly think revamping the model and leaving it at T5 is a waste of resources. Resources that would have been better spent on ships that are going to be released as T6 or ones we want (Nebula/Nova/Luna/Vesta/Vor'cha/KDF-ROM Sci…
I hope this isn't a promo only ship where I have to go around the houses to purchase the code. I.E international order and wait for shipping. I don't have a comic book/arts and craft type store where I live. I'd much rather just pay Cryptic the full £30 direct to the Zen Store and claim the ship.
This is Gorn and all. But where the hell is the ship the KDF Faction is waiting for I want my Vor'cha. I can only speak for myself, but unless these ships either are eye candy good or have superb stats, i'll be passing and wait for the Vor'cha before parting with my money. Release the T6 Vor'cha already you want a KDF ship…
Unfortunately I think the KDF is as active as its going to get. The games been around 6 years, lifers/long time players all have fleshed out characters and unless there is a recruitment event like Delta or AOY targeted for KDF. I can't see them rushing to make a KDF toon. Even if storyline content was added to the KDF all…
I wasn't sure if there was a t5 Version in the Lobi-Store thanks for clearing that up. So as console only offers a T6 version of this ship then regardless of how you obtained it, Exchange/Trade/lobi or space magic, if you have been awarded a T5 version this has to be addressed as it is a bug.
Makes you wonder why we give this company money. The initial error was on their part, yes they fixed it for players who claimed the ship originally, But.... they have allowed the bug to be passed on to other players via the exchange allowing the bugged boxes to be sold between Players. It seems that as this is a Player…
Sounds an awful lot like marriage to me :). Sexism aside would I own another person, answer would be no, I might buy the person from The slave Trade but once free of him they would be given the freedom to choose whatever they wish to do.
lol queues difficulty is not the issue, Player competence is. Just come out of a KSA and after taking Donatra to 8% health I decided to see just what dps the team were throwing out so cloaked myself and watched the embarrassment unfold. After 5 mins I got bored as with all 3 remaining pugs (1 dc'd) pounding away on her,…
I never got the opportunity to play them back in the day as I could never find a team, and when I did, due to the time they took players would end up dropping out. It would make an interesting FE rather than PvE and I wouldn't mind sampling them in the old format.
I experienced the Advanced queues right after Delta Rising and my option is that although the overall difficulty hadn't actually increased as the AI was still as dumb as a lobotomised Pakled plus the NPC's weren't hitting any harder than pre-Delta, what had gone up was the hit points to monstrous levels which made the…