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minonian Arc User



  • Play over the temporal ambrassador. ;)
  • And wich is worst i think the whole cryptic gamepark got this problem because neverwinter too unreachable and gives the same message.
  • Same there, and im also unable to edit my "slightly" outdated avatar... Now these 2 are related, or not? No idea...
  • I'm partially disagree with this. Against average opponents they are suxxx. (altrought refracting tetryon can make a huge difference in this question) I can give you this. But when you are facing the borg queen in Hive onslaught or The scimitar in Kitho vortex what you really want to have in your side is a shield buster…
  • Here is my idea don't talk to him, / ignore him so he don't have anything to reply and talk back. And even better you dont TRIBBLE yourself off.
  • As far i can tell hight (STF) damage builds have one sole reason. To go trought the daily dilithium grinding routine as fast is possible. Is this simple. So no, i don't think DPS is out of controll. I think the game mechanism caused this. because the players only want to get over the STF rounds, wich ones is one of the…
  • No idea. :confused: as far i can tell they are making the same damaga, and last as the same time, no matter what is your skill, or what kind of boosts you using if im wrong someone please let me know, i'm intrested in this too. Yes they are counts as warheads, so they are affected by the same skills, and powers. Like…
  • Agreed. The only exception, if your flow skills are non existing, in this case the leech only takes the space, and you do better with MACO, wich is a pretty good plasma defense shield even without the energy bonus.
  • The problem With plasmonic Is the console slot usage. The pro? With hight Flow skill you get more energy. MACO is better, if you don't have empty console slot, and Your Flow skills are low. In this case is more useful, and like it's said before, the two (sadly) not works together. And wich is worst, they are not simply not…
  • Romulans always need energy. :)
  • Well, maybe his build is useless. And so as yours. let me tell you something. with the 5 toons of mine i have An entire armament of phasers, (DHC's DBB's BA's Turrets) from phasers, tetryons, & disruptors plasmas. And yes, like every starter only account bound weapons, they are not the best. (the trophy goes for the 3…
  • Happend with me too, after i swiched ships and swiched back the previous one. (i swiched between my D'deridex retrofit, and fleet d'deridex if this can help) Oh and if we talking about Space and ground hotbars, it might be a good idea if we can save the hotbar Layout as template, and reload it even after we swiched ships,…