1st Prize: Guest appearance with dialogue in EXTINCTION (Ship and Toon) Space Map and Ground Map.. Dr. Borias Theopolis 2nd Prize: Two Infinity Prize Pack Secondary Ship [Your Choice of Federation Only or Available for all]. GarakS31 3rd Prize: One Infinity Prize Pack Secondary Ship [Your Choice of Federation Only or…
Thank you for your patience. Want to know if you won? The result will be revealed on the TribblesInXTC podcast Friday 8PM EST. I will also update this post with the winners after the podcast. https://www.twitch.tv/holosuitemedia
Thank you for your patience. Want to know if you won? The result will be revealed on the TribblesInXTC podcast Friday 8PM EST. I will also update this post with the winners after the podcast. https://www.twitch.tv/holosuitemedia
Hi, I personally apologize, I will not be able to release the winners information tonight. I will not be on the podcast this evening. I'm working on getting the winners notified as soon as possible. I appreciate your patience with this. Please stand-by. STO Admiral Aaron
Contest Is Now Closed. Result will be revealed on The Show With Oden Knight on Wednesday April the 13th at 10PM EST. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZxwGUnqtZo
Sadly this is a known issue. But STO has been pretty silent on fixing it. Due to this issue I had to cancel my Starbase Invictus Social Zone I was building.
EXTINCTION - Live On The Foundry Full Trailer https://youtube.com/watch?v=x3TpVMTbExU Teaser Trailer https://youtube.com/watch?v=bHTHzMS-Gc8 www.twitter.com/STOAdmiralAaron