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mic1001 Arc User



  • And you do ??? U're talking to same people since you've joined the game, I've been playing this game when it was run by Perpetual. A far better development team way back than. As to what i feel and see, i can see what players are talking about in zone chat on a daily or hourly basis, how much players are pissed off and…
  • U call everyone that you disagree an idiot on open chat board ? Or is it just your teabagging ways of communicating with anyone that you disagree with ? I know you are old, fat sad ugly git sitting in his room with no life, probably voting republicans and holding to his stockpile of assault rifles, however we live in a…
  • U're paid per post of per day or for every contributor you try to discredit, I mean working for Cryptic must be very lucrative for you! Nearly 100 000 players have left this game in past few months, and game only had 250 000 active players, like at most. WOW looses 3 million, with a base of 10-12 million isn't that bad,…
  • hear hear !! There are apologist on these forums for everything Creeps do, as in game, just try to engage in discussion direction the game is going, you'll get **** storm going your way by few probably paid trolls to undermine any improvements to the game. What Creeps have managed to do is scare away so many old players…
  • So far the worst season release, if that was possible, all seasons had terrible release and are worse than the previous seasons, and I should know since I've played this game when Perpetual was running things. Despite being subscription only game it was way better under Perpetual than what it is now, 100 times better in…
  • x2 have same issues, exactly same problems and I am sure many more players face very same problems and issues.
  • WHAT is ARC???? I'm getting errors, Trying to update the launcher, after 12 attempts of failing to start launcher comes with the following message Unable to establish connection with the patch server, Please check your Internet connection... I mean my Internet connection is fine, my firewalls is fine, everything worked…
  • nothing works for me, launcher won't even start, tried it for now 3 days, since last patch on Thursday. Cryptic can really mess things up. :( the fact is many players have problem with launcher, at least one in 10, reason why many people are laving the game, I can see this on a daily basis. No idea what the problem is, but…
  • first of Quick reply doesn't work, sort it out if you want users to have any use of your quick reply function, I'm using Opera Browser, as any sensible individual should. And yes I agree you should extend deadline by 2 weeks, many of us aren't as active over summer and I've got only 500 pearls, so i'll take me a while to…
  • can't even log on right now, so many issues with the server bugs,. really annoying.
  • Access denied is high up, they've completed tier 5, 3-4 weeks ago should be on a final stretch for Science tier 5. Played a few missions with them, not bad fleet, like their leadership structure, where they have no clear leader more of a team, with players who contributed a great deal to the fleet given most senior…
  • So true, I am in shadow force, but have friends across few fleets, i like to play with all them. I avoid pvp cause lagg is just killing me, literally, I get such a bad lagg in pvp missions that its pointless playing it, especially if a Klingon carrier shows up or 2-3,than game is defo unplayable. Cryptic should really look…
  • I'm in a Shadow Force made this vid way back http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNDF0u6Lk-U illustrates my current fleet, with leadership and size of the fleet. Right now fleet is tier 4 fleet with XP 18000, 3 weeks before finishing tier 5 eng. Not sure for other fleets but had chat with Access denied where my m8 formerly a…