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Iconian War Disappointing



  • paxfederaticapaxfederatica Member Posts: 1,496 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Well, to be fair, when you consider that they have Dyson spheres that can 'jump' around space (and one with fleets of countless ships sitting in one of them) and are able to transport themselves and/or the Heralds anywhere, you can't help but think that they're just not trying.

    Then again, neither is the good guys' alliance. We've been sitting on decades-old technology (trilithium missile + phasing cloak) that, when combined into one weapon, could destroy the Andromeda Sphere and all those sun-blotting Heralds within, thereby instantly winning the war, literally in one blast!
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The Iconian War is so easy. I went to Risa for better action. :D

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • mic1001mic1001 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    That was a really good 13th post. You are really involved with the community and have had your finger on the pulse of the player-base over the last 3 years. Not.

    Opinions are like buttholes. We all have them and they all stink.

    You have nothing but your own disdain for the game; and like far too many people live under the belief that "what I do not like everyone must not like, and thus it is doomed to failure." Life is a little more complicated then that.

    If you do not like STO, that is fine. I only consider it to be an average game, myself. But I do not delude myself into believing that everyone has to feel the same way about the game that I do. I am man enough to know that when I do not like something I simply stop doing it. I do not need to grandstand to make myself feel important. But I guess that is just the difference between an adult and a child mentality.

    And you do ??? U're talking to same people since you've joined the game, I've been playing this game when it was run by Perpetual. A far better development team way back than. As to what i feel and see, i can see what players are talking about in zone chat on a daily or hourly basis, how much players are pissed off and angry at what is happening to the game.

    As to reaction of player base, have you actually played any star trek online since season 10 launched, or you trolling this forum dispensing your wisdom to anyone who questions direction of the game ?

    Number of active players in the game is down by at least 50% on pre-season 10, and even than it was down significantly. Cryptic isn't fixing bugs or has opted not to cause they try to save costs or w.e reason perhaps they're seeing what many players are seeing. Titanic that has just hit the iceberg!!

    I rarely post on forums, in fact i try to avoid it, reason why i have so few posts on here, but had to post my displeasure and anger at direction game has taken, for clearly Cryptic isn't listening when i report bugs and blatant racist banter in zone chat. Money is what counts to them, it is good to know they have as much Star trek ideal/sentiment in them as republican party for the minorities and the poor.

    Also if i had disdain for the game, I would't have played it for past 5 years, would I, I loved the game early on, but since 2013 game went down hill majorly, with 2015 being particularly bad for the game. BTW if you can finish game without lag you must be one in a million, for almost every mission has a lag, and loading ESD is a nightmare even 4 weeks after season 10 was launched.

    As I've said, game is loosing players big time, this can't go on, I took very long brake in 2013 and 2014 from the game for these reasons, only returning back in October last year and I can tell you game sucks big time.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    mic1001 wrote: »
    And you do ??? U're talking to same people since you've joined the game, I've been playing this game when it was run by Perpetual. A far better development team way back than. As to what i feel and see, i can see what players are talking about in zone chat on a daily or hourly basis, how much players are pissed off and angry at what is happening to the game.

    As to reaction of player base, have you actually played any star trek online since season 10 launched, or you trolling this forum dispensing your wisdom to anyone who questions direction of the game ?

    Number of active players in the game is down by at least 50% on pre-season 10, and even than it was down significantly. Cryptic isn't fixing bugs or has opted not to cause they try to save costs or w.e reason perhaps they're seeing what many players are seeing. Titanic that has just hit the iceberg!!

    I rarely post on forums, in fact i try to avoid it, reason why i have so few posts on here, but had to post my displeasure and anger at direction game has taken, for clearly Cryptic isn't listening when i report bugs and blatant racist banter in zone chat. Money is what counts to them, it is good to know they have as much Star trek ideal/sentiment in them as republican party for the minorities and the poor.

    Also if i had disdain for the game, I would't have played it for past 5 years, would I, I loved the game early on, but since 2013 game went down hill majorly, with 2015 being particularly bad for the game. BTW if you can finish game without lag you must be one in a million, for almost every mission has a lag, and loading ESD is a nightmare even 4 weeks after season 10 was launched.

    As I've said, game is loosing players big time, this can't go on, I took very long brake in 2013 and 2014 from the game for these reasons, only returning back in October last year and I can tell you game sucks big time.
    Let me try and explain this to you. I do not care if you like the game or not. What I care about is you spreading lies to justify your stated position of no-longer liking the game.

    If you want to say: "I do not like the direction of this game any longer and I am going to quit playing it" then I will shout "Go for it, brother!" But when you start throwing out imaginary numbers you supposedly "found' on some website then I have to call bullcrap. At that point you are just making stuff up to try and justify your statements.

    So you can scream about Republicans and rascists and whatever else you want, but at the end of the day it is really just you not liking the game any more but not having the courage to walk away. So you make yourself miserable doing something you do not like, and then try to make everyone else miserable too. And all of this because you do not have the courage to simply move on.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • atalossataloss Member Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I like Oatmeal Raisin cookies.

    Just trying to lighten the mood before an admin come and locks this thread.
    One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    mic1001 wrote: »
    U call everyone that you disagree an idiot on open chat board ? Or is it just your teabagging ways of communicating with anyone that you disagree with ?

    I know you are old, fat sad ugly git sitting in his room with no life, probably voting republicans and holding to his stockpile of assault rifles, however we live in a real world, reports on how well game performs are tracked by independent gaming journalist and websites. And since November last year game is doing dismally. I know in you thick headed brainless scull it is hard to comprehend this fact but it is something that is happening and players that have seen demise of other similar games can see it happening here as well.

    Also since you're compering STO to WOW, two different games and different markets you ought to know WOW has many spin offs and updates and what not, anyhow here it is described why WOW lost nearly 3 million players and how they still got 7 million+ http://uk.businessinsider.com/world-of-********-still-has-over-7-million-players-2015-5

    Not that it really matters why WOW lost players, we are talking STO, and why STO is loosing players big time. BTW your attitude is fine example why many players are leaving STO, you don't believe in star trek universe or what it represents, in fact you have no clue what star trek is about, if you did you'd question direction of this game.

    Long standing STO players are laving many not returning cause of what is happening to the game, and disregard and utter contempt development team has for Star Trek fans and community,but what would you know, you're full of yourself, arrogant to the extreme.

    I this doesnt get the thread locked down, nothing will.
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Then again, neither is the good guys' alliance. We've been sitting on decades-old technology (trilithium missile + phasing cloak) that, when combined into one weapon, could destroy the Andromeda Sphere and all those sun-blotting Heralds within, thereby instantly winning the war, literally in one blast!

    There does seem to be a hint of both sides phoning in thier war effort. I would like to see future episodes put more of a feeling of urgency.
  • sharpie65sharpie65 Member Posts: 679 Arc User
    edited June 2015

    Sorry, but somebody had to. :D
    Post edited by sharpie65 on
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Heck! I'd say Trendy is penning the War on the Blogs, just like the media does IRL! ;)

    Very true, make a mountain out of an ant hill. Going by the blogs there is all kinds of death, brink of destruction, hard fighting, etc. However you go there in person and see nothing like this. Very typical of mainstream media. :rolleyes:

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • oldravenman3025oldravenman3025 Member Posts: 1,892 Arc User
    Where and what is this... "war" that people sometimes talk about?

    That's what I wanna know. For me, it's business as usual.

    Of course, that's fine by me. Becoming a space farmer (EC and Dil) has worked out nicely for me.

  • akilaganakilagan Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    mic1001 wrote: »
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    What happens in WoW does not matter here. Plus WoW just lost 3 million players in one Quarter, so maybe they are not a great example company. :)

    To be fair, in in-game time we met the Preservers, maybe, 6 months ago, probably less.

    And from a canon aspect, what exactly happen to those alien parasites taking over Starfleet in Conspiracy? Oh, yeah, TNG ignored them for 7 years. :)

    Then come on over and play SWTOR. There is a reason why there is more then just one game to play in the world. :)

    U're paid per post of per day or for every contributor you try to discredit, I mean working for Cryptic must be very lucrative for you!

    Nearly 100 000 players have left this game in past few months, and game only had 250 000 active players, like at most. WOW looses 3 million, with a base of 10-12 million isn't that bad, STO looses 100 000 players on base of 250 000 players, that's telling.

    IF Star trek online is still around in 2017, and I strongly doubt it will be, it'll be solely due to the development team behind STO, not player base, players are ignored by development team, harassed and attacked by players such as you when they question STO Development team and the logic behind anything current development team is doing, don't forget very same development team manged to mess up another lucrative game they had way before Star Trek online.

    U instead of offering a constructive dialogue attack anyone who has issue with the game, and I can tell you, a vast majority do and evidently reason why game is loosing so many players on a daily basis.

    A BRILLIANT summary by an online blogger to describe what Cryptic is doing. Boldly Ripping You Off !!!
    This was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. I uninstalled the game and never looked back. I realized what a waste of time and money this game is and how it’s a shameful mockery of what Star Trek is supposed to represent. PWE and Cryptic are taking advantages of a fanbase that is so thirsty for new Trek that they blindly pay these crooks thousands of dollars to give them something that vaguely resembles the franchise they love.

    The naysayers may argue that everything in-game can be purchased via the dilithium exchange. However, the time invested into the process of converting dilithium to Zen accounts for hundreds of man-hours running the same material over and over again. What is this process called in gaming? Level grinding. Perfect World Entertainment represents everything that is wrong with the free-to-play MMO market. Star Trek Online has become a product run by a soulless off-shore company that wants nothing more than to rob its consumers with shiny products, broken promises, lame gameplay and shady business practices. I, for one, will never give them another cent. Jesse Garza

    Another brilliant reply on steam chat boards,
    Cryptic Studios are doing their damndest to sink this ship for all their might. They have (inside of 2 weeks since their release of Delta Rising) done more to kill this game, the playerbase, and the sense of community than they have in the past 2 years combined. And that's SAYING something!

    They've exponentially increased dill requirements while geometrically decreased dil rewards on any given thing. They've added 12x hitpoints to all targets so that it's a tedious die-of-boredom fest but meanwhile almost all missions on "Elite" are unfinishable but are the ONLY way to get certain rewards you need to get rep, gear, or any other items... which you essentially need to play Elite anyway.Avoid this game like the plague. Cryptic studios needs to fire Rivera and D'Angelo for their horrible crimes against gamer humanity. Do not give Cryptic Studios or PWE any of your money. Ever.


    And this is just few of many players that actually cared to post. So when you start to defend current game mechanics and playability, as well as shear greed of current developers, the blatant racism that is continuously going on in zone chat, one can only wonder how long this game can last. As I've said I give it 18-24 months max, and game will be no more, I just pity all who wasted hundreds or even thousands of dollars on this game, it ain't star trek, it has nothing to do with Star Trek, it'll never be a star trek game, for starters in star trek universe nobody rips you off blindly.

    BTW as i type this, 50 players have left the game, this is how fast this game is loosing players.

    As much as i want to agree with you on this.......WoW and STO are 2 entirly different enitys......2 different pay 2 win models. Its like compairing apples to oranges.....
  • talasivaritalasivari Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    First post...SQUEEE!

    Not to stick an antenna into a blender, but I'm also a little disappointed by the Iconian War arc. Just speculating, but if seasons are planned 6-8 months in advance, this season might be the result of D'Angelis' (Delta Rising) planning. This might even be the result/reason he was sent back to overseeing the technical architechture, because whatever he had wasn't satisfactory, and now Salami is sweeping up the pieces.

    The Delta Recruit drive was a great idea, but it put pressure on rolling out the Ico War, even if they weren't ready. There seems to be a story arc, which I find interesting (if a trifle trope-y) which suggests there was a plan which somehow wasn't fully implimented.

    We'll likely have a better picture when we get the rest of the season, but (again, just speculating) given the lackluster roll-out, it seems as likely an answer as any. It also explains why they haven't added something as simple as an Iconian Red Alert - it's possibly one of the projects that languished when the personell changed.
    Urtlolev of the Andorian Imperial Fleet
  • hangukohanguko Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    Iconian war feels empty... there is no war, or even a conflict, or even i donno, skirmish. The vaadwaur felt more real... Maybe there is a need to redesign something... or change the name, into something less misleading... say "Iconian mystery : potential conflict".
  • bltrrnbltrrn Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    hanguko wrote: »
    Iconian war feels empty... there is no war, or even a conflict, or even i donno, skirmish. The vaadwaur felt more real... Maybe there is a need to redesign something... or change the name, into something less misleading... say "Iconian mystery : potential conflict".

    Eldrex is a better tactician than T'ket. Just let that sink in.
    R E M A I N

    Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.

  • solax79solax79 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    mikew83 wrote: »
    Where and what is this... "war" that people sometimes talk about?

    Bwahaha! Right? What a friggin joke. If you don't care about the game anymore, just say so Devs! I mean, even the Witcher 3 gives you free DLC. When was the last time you guys gave us ANYTHING for free? Meaning you didn't have to work, run a daily, buy Zen, etc. for it?

    STO has sadly turned into WoW. I'm certain the next season will have us fighting Alien Pandas in the mist.

    Sh*t or get off the pot, cryptic. Are you guys really in it to win it anymore? I hope so......

    This is exactly where I stand on the Iconian War, and about STO in general. The war has been underwhelming to say the least. Even during the missions, I'm reminding myself that there is a war going on that "threatens our galaxy"; I'm 99% sure that the newest mission "Broken Circle" only served to tell us how deadly things are, because it's easy to forget it just about every other Iconian War mission.

    The story is flat, and it's coming out in the clunky dialogue at every turn. I'm almost relieved to see that it doesn't appear to be a long arc. I don't know how much more I'd be able to handle.

    In terms of my opinions of STO, it's okay. It lacks a lot of Star Trek elements, and is a slap to the face of Trek fans who wanted a good MMO, or even just a good video game. I know it can get better, so as a lifelong Trek fan, I'll remain hopeful. And STO is a lot better than Star Wars: The Old Republic, which I felt to be majorly disappointing. All in all, it's still a good way to kill and hour or so, and sometimes that's all you need.
    99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer...
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