50 toons. I feel your pain. Kill this with fire... This is what the launcher is for. If they want to change the launcher to display more things, fine. But why do I have to look at it EVERY TIME I CHANGE CHARACTERS. There is no news since 3 minutes ago. Ya know how I know? Because the stupid thing just told me. You wanna…
Why should we give them the benefit of the doubt on this particular... "feature"? It adds NOTHING to the end-user experience; its not supposed to. Its entire purpose push merchandise on us. Its a popup ad. If this were a buggy mission, or something that's actually designed, at least partly, to make the game more fun, or…
This was not at all too much technical information, quite the opposite actually. Knowing why you choose to change things, and how and why those changes cause bugs makes it much easier to put those bugs in context. Without this information, the ui lag seemed like an arbitrary nerf on a system that was working just fine.…
Well, I guess this explains why I haven't been able to log in via pidgn since last night. This is a real inconvenience. Sto is a social game, I don't log on for the game play, I log on for the people I play the game with. I talk with them while I doff, while I rep, while I grind out starbase projects. Its just about…