While in the vineyard, my character goes bald when the view is from certain angles within the vineyard while she is shooting bugs and fixing leaks. LoR is very different from current Holodeck graphics/textures. I think I'll like it better once I get used to it. It is definitely more user friendly for someone unfamiliar…
I found it very informative and more humbling than I had expected. I knew, being inexperienced at PvP, I wasn't anywhere as strong or organized as many others, the ship evaluation at the end showed me just how weak I really am (very humbling) and some places where I can improve on my build, etc. The carrier coach was very…
1. In-Game @handle: @malshi 2. Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): Engineer/Atrox Carrier 3. Language (we can offer instruction in the following languages: English, German, and Spanish): English 4. Session you will Participate In (i.e., CET session or EST session): EST 5. Do you have any impairments we need to be…
I also would like to reschedule for the 2nd makeup session (Jan. 5 at 8:00 p.m. EST). My handle is eL'gar@Malshi and my registration # is 219. Thank you.
Ingame @handle: eL'gar@malshi Faction (You may indicate both if you have no preference. If you do this, then we will place you in a faction): Fed Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): Engineer/Caitian Atrox Carrier (Blue Tiger) Languages (e.g., English, German, French, etc.) English Interested mainly in space or…