I do my best. $504M - Revenue $117M - Tax, Interest = $387M Gross Income $146M - R&D costs $172M - Admin costs (Payroll, equipment, real estate, etc) $ 13M - Other costs = $331M Operational costs Which is a yearly profit of about $56M with an additional income of $34M via some other accounting trickery. So on a total…
I made almost 4k dilithium turning in the DOFF assignments that I queued up yesterday. You can still run the exploration daily for 1440, you just can't double up by doing B'tran now. Deferi dailies, Eta Eridani dailies, Academy event, Fleet Actions, Foundry dailies (come on, you know that clicking the panel in ESD and…
The point of removing the old marks was to get rid of the obsolete currency in the game, not to simplify anything. Those old marks were level gated, so they had absolutely no use at level 40/50. All of the new currencies are valuable for a level 50 player. It also gives the designers the ability to distribute different…
The Chimera has a good turn rate because it has afaik the best inertia value in the game, 80. This results in a higher base turn rate from which bonuses from buffs, consoles, skills, etc are computed. So what you have is a ship with a high base turn rate that gets bigger bonuses from any turn rate boost. When you consider…