anyways i will be checking in every hour or 2 but i think this nightmare of a forum post is dead and i hope to hell i don't get banned for all the TRIBBLE i posted defending a lying person
i put rcassandrasaturn on ignore do you not get the hint did you not clue in that i figured it out? also i stated "i am going to monitor the comments to make sure everything fixes itself" are you THAT STUPID that you can't read?
i have put rcassandrasaturn on ignore and left her fleet i can't deal with any of this i don't need it in my life....i will only monitor the comments for the rest of tonight and maybe a bit of tomorrow to make sure things fix themselves up hopefully things fixing themselves doesn't involve me getting banned
fine i give up you win rcassandrasaturn is wrong i can't fight these numbers not only that i just cannot be involved with this TRIBBLE anymore this "fight other peoples battles get screwed" BS i'd rather just ignore everyone involved and leave now cause i dunno what to think anymore
also another thing i don't subscribe to is the belief that rcassandrasaturn is or has been posting such "explicit stuff" *of which i have seen no proof of other then heresay and rumors and hence i do not actually believe she posted anything explicit* even if this person DID circumvent a ban because of some stupid mistakes…
i hate to admit it rcassandrasaturn but jorantomalak is right i think this isn't the best place to be posting...well anything really or atleast anything that doesn't subscribe to the idiotic Dentals and Dental types that flood this forum with their stupidity better to post something like this on a personal blog or…
buddy i play the Galaxy X with my Vice Admirals and i like the darn thing heck i have even gotten one to turn halfway decently (God i love Fleet Neutronium and RCS Consoles) anyways the Galaxy X isn't that bad a ship.....also my theory is that some aspects of All Good Things happened in the Prime Universe and that is why…
now that you mention the AGT Uniforms...i almost always deviated towards those or the DS9 uniforms for my captains as they were the last uniforms seen *though i do make exceptions...see my "Misty character or "Kami"*
i have been here just as long as you have sonny and i must respectfully disagree....*given how expensive Dilithium Items are the extra Dilithium is kinda necessary*
I knew Deja Q was gone and that Club 47 was probably dead....but Memory Alpha..... and now they are taking away the Clusters *and probably the Duty Officer Missions* okay **** Cryptic :mad:
ya know when it gets to the point that criticism is impossible you might as well NOT bother with a forum especially if you expect all the criticism to be positive i can't believe i am explaining this to a company