We will be having our scheduled maintenance tomorrow 1/21 at 6AM PST for 6 1/2 hours. You can find the patch notes here. We'll be doing a series of major updates to our server infrastructure. On top of this, we've adjusted (and making further) changes and should be different in regards to latency. That being said, we're still going to be investigating latency issues as a whole and I am committed to further investigations.
We value your feedback and want to help direct it to the right locations. Please check the following link to redirect to the best sub-forums to post your replies.
So does this mean the usual server lag, and the occasional crashing when loading from one sector map to another (Alpha -> Beta or reverse, or just trying to get into ESD) is going to be resolved? I noticed when I reported the issue a couple days ago it seemed to go away, but I just want to be sure, also when you say "upgrading the server infrastructure" what type or kind of upgrades are we talking about, this can range from every thing as small as add more RAM into the server to "were going to rip every thing out and get top of the line every thing" I am hoping for some decent hardware upgrades if it means fixing some of the lag issues that every one is experiencing, but that also should include ensuing your internet service is up to the task of handling the traffic loads too!!!
I am (and im sure everyone else is too) curious as to what the upgrades entail and when we might get to start seeing other game fixes that have been around for some time getting fixed!!
Please enlighten us as to the upgrade and whats being done!
Whatever it was they did, it made social zones a lot less laggy (for me, anyway), so that's a plus. Was also pretty sweet that maintenance didn't go into overtime. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Tried verifying files both from Steam AND launcher and still got freezed at splash screen.
I don't even bother losing other time with the middle solutions, it's time to make a move.
Uninstalled with a program that clean every residual file with a reboot and redownloading 12 GB worth of game...
If this doesn't work I'm helpless. I no longer think it's the driver because the problem is long dated.
I still dream from time to time about using the Gateway to doff off-game in spare minutes as we were told
I am now sure the driver doesn't mattered. Reinstall worked.
Loading time still too long, it took several minutes before the splash screen got away and I had to relogin at the main menu... but I'm in there again.
I missed the recent events though but at least I really hope I will be able to pick up every giveaway of the Anniversary.
Thanks for the kind help.
I still dream from time to time about using the Gateway to doff off-game in spare minutes as we were told
my launcher just downloaded a 1000meg update... what is that? and why on a saturday? strange
Mine too. No idea what it was about.
Unless it tries to patch repeatedly (which is a bug that happened a couple months ago and _could_ reappear, I suppose), I would _guess_ it may be some sort of rolling pre-patch of art resources for the upcoming new episode and anniversary event, you know, instead of having absolutely everybody downloading it simultaneously on Thursday and melting the servers...
We will be having our scheduled maintenance tomorrow 1/21 at 6AM PST for 6 1/2 hours. You can find the patch notes here. We'll be doing a series of major updates to our server infrastructure. On top of this, we've adjusted (and making further) changes and should be different in regards to latency. That being said, we're still going to be investigating latency issues as a whole and I am committed to further investigations.
We value your feedback and want to help direct it to the right locations. Please check the following link to redirect to the best sub-forums to post your replies.
We will be having our scheduled maintenance tomorrow 1/21 at 6AM PST for 6 1/2 hours. You can find the patch notes here. We'll be doing a series of major updates to our server infrastructure. On top of this, we've adjusted (and making further) changes and should be different in regards to latency. That being said, we're still going to be investigating latency issues as a whole and I am committed to further investigations.
We value your feedback and want to help direct it to the right locations. Please check the following link to redirect to the best sub-forums to post your replies.
Whatever it was they did, it made social zones a lot less laggy (for me, anyway), so that's a plus. Was also pretty sweet that maintenance didn't go into overtime. Not bad. Not bad at all.
I don't even bother losing other time with the middle solutions, it's time to make a move.
Uninstalled with a program that clean every residual file with a reboot and redownloading 12 GB worth of game...
If this doesn't work I'm helpless. I no longer think it's the driver because the problem is long dated.
Loading time still too long, it took several minutes before the splash screen got away and I had to relogin at the main menu... but I'm in there again.
I missed the recent events though but at least I really hope I will be able to pick up every giveaway of the Anniversary.
Thanks for the kind help.
Mine too. No idea what it was about.
Unless it tries to patch repeatedly (which is a bug that happened a couple months ago and _could_ reappear, I suppose), I would _guess_ it may be some sort of rolling pre-patch of art resources for the upcoming new episode and anniversary event, you know, instead of having absolutely everybody downloading it simultaneously on Thursday and melting the servers...
As for the servers getting hammered, well, they're going to be anyway I'd imagine lol
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