I would be glad to help you with a community invite, pls send an ingame mail @macaucasino (I wasnt able to send an ingame mail or pm to greenusmarine53.)
I posted my ideas for a merge option here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=10956641&postcount=12 >>>...Dump 70% of already spend dilithium and fm of the absorbed fleet into a holding tank, the rest will vanish (transfer tax). The absorbing fleet can use the accumulated dili and fm for new projects (no fc…
Some sort of alliances between small and large fleets are a very good idea. That way player in large fleets could finally put some items and fm into projects, and small fleets could progress. Same amount of in game currencies are spend, fleet variety is maintained. And let me mention another possibility - the fleet merge…
May I ask how you get too many FM easily? How long did it take to aquire the 5000+FM you are speaking of? (I play the game almost each day, grind nws (w9+), turn CXP into FM at the base.)
I could not agree more. We paid to play Caitians, and we paid to play Ferasans. The combo lunge+pounce was available when Caitians were released, in early 2011 (if I remember correctly). So why nerf it now, 2 years later? I expect at least a free retrait token now. (I know, won't happen. :mad: )