The two science vessels and the Geneva are very different ships. The Geneva, while it has a Science LTC slot, it has very little to do with a science vessel. Being able to slot GW1 doesn't make it one either. It is a cruiser and you should really take that into consideration. I own the Geneva myself, and from what i have…
Agreed, command ships should be large and very capable of defending themselves. Typhoon makes a lot of sense to me and i've been hoping for a playable version for quite a while now.
You can't use the Voth console set on not-Voth-ships anyway. Besides, i have to add that in my opinion any cloak should be a battle cloak, because i don't think it makes a lot sense that some cloaking systems are able to cloak in combat and some are not. Rather would i find it interesting if the different Faction's cloaks…
I think it would be better if they removed the mini games from the main social zones. It is currently impossible to move or interact with anything on ESD due to that awful lags!
PvE is almost dead and you still decrease rewards? Excuse me, but what the hell is wrong with you guys!? That's a slap in the player's faces. I have no words to express how upset i am about those changes! PvE is almost dead nowadays, you should increase the rewards to make them more interesting, and not anger the…
Maybe your internet connection isn't working as you are used to? I've played quite a while lately, and have only experienced occasional lags and one or two disconnects over the last days (Living in Austria using an internet connection with a rather weak transmission rate).
As we are already talking about it, didn't the devs say the DPS-Issue would be nonexistent in DR because of rebalancing @ Lv. 60? Anyways, this has been my #1 issue with the game for a while now, and it has got worse and worse. Many players don't even accept you attemting a Science-, Tank-, or Healer-Build. You do not get…
TBH, while it's understandable they have chosen the Intrepid to be THE "Hero Ship" in Delta Rising, i think it is really unfair it is the only T5 ship to get a REAL T6 version. As I am generally opposed to the whole T5U thing (seriously, a 13th Boff Slot and everything would have been fine to me), i am really pissed none…
You forgot the 5 universal Commander BoFF slots... :P But seriously, i don't get the point of your post... Nobody here asked for a Starfleet Scimitar or something, we just want to see those designs playable ;)
Ummmm... the stats are pretty much copied, just that they're giving the Klingon Cruiser a slight edge on ... everything! The fact that it has a battle cloak would have given enough balance by its own, they wouldn't have had to drop the turn rate and Hitpoints as well :(
Maybe they unintentionally swapped the hull stats? Because the Klingon one is better in any way... Devs, pls have a look at this! Besides, do the hull stats of T5U ships also increase from lv50 to 60? Because if not, 50k HP on a "small" Battle cruiser seems a little high...