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locrianol Arc User



  • I made a second character and still didn't work.
  • Lets hope your done Tot. You've screwed so many folks over the years it warms my heart to think Karma's got you even if peoples complaints went unheard by admins over the years.... lol..I'll gladly give you access if you buy this 100mil ec doff i want >.<
  • Breach is my hands down fav map...Yeah the rewards are low for it's length, but the reason I like it is the length..I bout got all *&^%%&^ when a fleetmate mentioned these going...but glad to know it's just for improvements...
  • This really needs to be addressed. It's the main reason I don't come here much. What a pain in the butt to have to get a new pin each time. I get the same information through fleet members. Completely eliminates the need for me come here very often.
  • Kinda pissy there PWE.....Trendy said long ago the jhas would be made t6. I continued to save for the freaking ship after playing this game 1.5 years and finally got it a about a month ago. Tons of buying keys with your zen based on YOUR post here. Now the ship goes for 300mil, I've lost 100mil and I don't get the ship we…
  • Me too....This is known as "rubber banding".....It makes the ESD unplayable and it's happening at the Academy as well. This makes getting to Q for the party patrols a bear (it can be done but it's a pain trying to anticipate where to head as to where you actually end up), as well as making the assignment "party patrol"…
  • Every game its the same thing. A voth repair ship is stuck behind the wall geometry in the part where you close the 8 hanger doors and save the ships. The only case of my 5 attempts at the breach to allow the game to continue was wile I was in a scim. I had enough singularity saved after my last attacks to use the…
  • Me too...Same message as all after 5 tries.
  • Cryptic needs to let us know something about how we're to be handling this. I've only got 4 toons, but others in the fleet I'm in have 9-10. Look at weapons alone. On average ships have 7-8 weapons. We'll use 7x10 toons. That's 70 new weapons we'll be compelled to replace. Do you have to? No, but when we bought them we…