> @thegrandnagus1 said: > There isn't supposed to be a thread for every specific idea, because you don't want the entire forum full of threads named "Here is my idea to fix the exchange". Instead, all are collected in one thread: > >…
Lockbox keys. Now, hear me out. What does the game benefit the most from? People spending money to get keys to open lockboxes. Okay, but why not leave them as zen-store exclusives? Because it is of high value. People will trade copious amounts of dilithium to get zen. Zen then buys keys to get the new and shiny ships. But…
> @coldnapalm said: > You realize there is already a thread for this...right? On the front page no less. @rattler2 can we get a merge? If I found it, I would have replied to it. Do you have a link for it? I didn't see one already posted about this specific idea.
I also ran into this issue today. It is still occurring. Screenshot below is how the mission status appears when reaching the upstairs, and after defeating all forces in the main floor area of the Alliance HQ. Please also note that there is no green circle on the map showing the player where to go:
Update: This bug for me only occurred on the first play through of the tutorial section of the Federation story arc. After logging into Xbox one on a different day and going through "Stranded In Space", I was able to cycle cameras normally after that, both in space and on ground.