My wishlist: Return the removed Klingon War missions. Put them in the Available tab. Many of us are very tired of waiting for them to be remastered. We just want to play the complete story arc again Communicate to us, the customers of your service. I'd say do it "better", but it basically doesn't happen at all any more.
Would it make a difference if they did? As you say, they've pretty much already forgotten about them, and it's not like there's much conversation happening on here any more, outside of the mods conversing with each other. Remember when they promised to communicate better, to the point where they set up a "monthly" Q&A?…
Well, the other part of the argument about a bug fix season or two (and this was even mentioned by Andre Emmerson just before he moved off the game) is the much-promised revamps of those removed Klingon War missions. It's been over 5 years.
We just want some communication from Embracer/DECA/Cryptic about the plans for the future of the game, past the rapidly upcoming 14th Anniversary, so we don't have to worry about fear mongering. A little communication goes a long way, now more than ever with all the uncertainty going on.
Well, there were those two "secret projects" (which people from STO, like Bort, were rolled into) which were recently cancelled, so it's not like Magic was the only game they worked on developing in the last decade. Maybe while you do that, mention we're still waiting on the answers to the last Q&A, from over a year ago.…
Agreed completely. As it is, it's now been 5 years since the content was removed 'for revamping'. Kael, it would be greatly appreciated if you let whomever is responsible know that there's a contingent of players, old and newer, who want to experience these missions. IF they were keyed into the Available tab so we can just…
A this point, the game has been so changed that it almost justifies having a `classic server` for anyone wanting to experience (or re-experience for those of us here partially for the nostalgia) the original game. Sadly not gonna happen, don't see Cryptic putting the resources into that.
I will still argue that mentioning it once on a livestream (which many players aren't aware of) and then not again until after the changes are made (and upsetting many of your customers) is still not good business. I get it, Cryptic wants to make money, so putting something different and experimental in an expensive bundle…
It's great to see some actual communication from Cryptic, and a really interesting breakdown of the though processes going on with the Maelstrom. With that said, this is all something that should have been communicated well in advance, as opposed to after the fact (and after a lot of heat), and especially so when we're…
So, basically everything? Yes, I support that. A lot of that old content got me into this STO business. There really shouldn't be a choice between old and new, it's all content and it should still be in the game.
I mean, let's start with the Klingon War missions they've been promising to revamp for almost 5 years now... For the record, it's 3rd Borg Dynasty. And yea, that could be something cool to explore.
It must be a weird glitch. Yesterday, did Rescue and Search, Wanted, Ninth Rule and got a little over 1 level of ship mastery. Today, same ship and character, did Rescue and Search on normal once and got the ship leveled.
I've noticed that, too. Trying to master some ships on a newer character and it's taking forever. I thought one of the reasons behind the patrol revamp was to make starship leveling easier, as it used to take forever, even with the old Argala exploit. Without any word, one way or the other, from Cryptic about this it's…
Hey, at least they made that one tweet! That's as good as we get when it comes to communication. Heck, remember when they broke everyone's skills after every other patch? Happened 3 or 4 times and they never even mentioned it, or only did after the fact. So, you could argue that they are trying harder to communicate to…
I don't think that would make sense as a Discovery recruit, but with all the Inquisitor missions, they really missed a trick with having a Mirror sub faction. All of the Inquisitor missions could have been starter missions for that, leading into our defecting to the regular universe. Could have avoided a lot of player…
Fortunately for you, Cryptic has decided the same, instead of letting the rest of us decide whether or not we enjoy playing them. Absolutely they are in need of a revamp, that's not in question. But I've recently replayed a bunch of the ancient Romulan and Cardassian missions and had a on of fun. Dated, in many cases…
Precisely this! My whole point, these last few years, is that the pulled versions still exist, they should be able to make them available again until the revamps are done, just add them to the Available tab. They do that, they might find they'll get a lot less pressure from the community to revamp them. We really just want…
Every other update that's gone live had the work done behind the scenes and didn't affect the unrevamped version (case in point, the Year of Klingon revamps, and the Romulan ones the year before), I don't understand why the Klingon War missions are an exception. The content is clearly popular enough people would be willing…
I can still play Saturday's Child. Unlike the Klingon War missions, most of the ancient Romulan and Cardassian missions weren't actually removed from the game, just made unavailable for anyone who didn't still have it queued up on their mission logs. Granted, some are unplayable, but are still in the game
I get your point and, as they were some of my favourite content, appreciate the optimism. However, so far we've had 4 years of them intending. That's a long time for something they're intending to do, so you'll understand it's hard to believe them until the work is actually being done on them. They know how popular and…
This most recent livestream? They stated they still haven't found a place for it on their schedule, and that maybe after the next few content updates they might put it on. Believe me, I'm not trying to be a troll here, it's just clear from what they say they have not put any work into them. Or at least, no further work…
While I'd very much like them back, Cryptic is clearly uninterested in returning them to the players. But has Cryptic EVER returned content, once it's been removed from the game?