You know, there's a nice sentence on top of the forums, something about change. Maybe the time has come for CBS/Crytpic to change and give the Connie a green light, especialy that we have the 50th anniversary this year. About the ships, No, there aren't enough, (not for everyone) because some players would want to fly an…
Oh. i get it. Late night hours don't serve my thinking well. You're right, but there was tension growing inside of me, after hearing over and over and over again that my favourite ship is so old and sucks, or some wise guy from CBS said "no" and thats all. Today i've reached my limit and had to let it out. Sorry it…
No, it wasn't suppose to be a troll post, or an endgame Connie request, but if it is, then i'm sorry, and just ignore it. I'm just a bit angry and dissapointed, that people that actually enjoyed the first six movies and their estetics don't have anything to enjoy in this game, besides TWOK uniform. I'm also puzzled that…
While i don't have anything against high tier Excalibur or other variants, i just can't stand, and understand, people treating Connie like air, or a wortless piece of TRIBBLE, that should be launched into a black hole, and never to be seen or heard from again. I feel like you just need to mention the word "Connie" and…
Since an endgame Connie won't happen, then how about a T3 or 4 version? Quick example: weapon and Boff layout could match T3 Heavy Cruiser, consoles from T4 Explo Cruiser, and the hull hp, turn rate etc. from in between those two. This, imo, shouldn't be considered endgame, and it could provide some more build options, fun…