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klytemnestra1 Arc User



  • I did what the second poster suggested to do. Thank you.
  • I have this same issue. None of my projects imported with costumes or maps. Is the correct procedure for importing now to "Withdraw" the story if it is published, then "Import," and then republish the mission again? Thank you
  • Since these ships were acquired over a two and a half year period I am trying to remember how I actually acquired the ships listed above. When I buy ships I tend to buy them out of the blue and not a huge plan involved. It is more like "oh new ship... buy it." Also, the game is different now in the way ships are acquired…
  • I did a good walk through on Tribble server all last week. I did not really see any major problem with the way I develop a Foundry story. IN my stories, I use multiple story threads and use dice rolling in dialog prompts. I was able to do all this in the test projects I wrote on Tribble. I expect the new way maps are done…
  • ...I think it would be simpler to just tell the authors when the build will go live so they can unpublish their stories on the live story. Then they can republish them and fix it at that time. I have around 12 stories on the Foundry and some of the older stories take me a while to set down and remember what I did to make…
  • Just because it was Canon in a TV SHow... does not mean any future show or video game is stuck with it. In a TV show, the producers are limited by budget constraints. In a video game the developers have to take that design and fit in in the game world environment. Here weapons can only be used at 30 meters. That is it.…
  • I would have to agree with everything you wrote. The KDF base so far is light years better in design in function then the Feds base. I would add the KDF base has a much better looking engineering department with functioning office. The science deck has 3 useable offices for players. I counted 4 actually useable offices in…
  • A sign you are in a bad fleet is the leader uses the term MMO to describe the game. If a fleet leader cannot use the term MMORPG, it is not a good fleet. MMORPG is not the same as saying MMO. It is like writing Football and soccer are the same thing.
  • Your intentions are well intended, but once you set up a system where one group of people put in but do not receive the same benefit as others in the fleet, you have skewed the fair system so that you take more and others get less. There is a better way. Clearly Communism.
  • I think that people need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Placing these restrictions will probably only affect a large fleet on holodeck. I think in a smaller fleet with less the 10 people, they will probably never restrict anything. I think that the Starbase System as a whole will probably cause many…