Not to sound like "that guy" or anything, but that's hardly a reason to extend the time for the giveaway. To me that's like saying that everyone who wasn't able to get a Risan corvette ecause maybe they hadn't even created a character in time should get an extra 20 days to run the missions for the pearls. It's an event, it…
I truly appreciate the free swag too, even tho I won't use most of it. I would have appreciated some costumes for my klinks tho. But free stuff is free stuff.
Was there some kind of glitch Friday that prevented people from getting their free ship? If not, I don't see why they needed to extend the giveaway. Hell, I managed to log on and get all five days worth of stuff and I have to go to a friends house to play STO since all I have at home is dialup. I even managed to get the…
The winter epohs are still around, you just can't get them any more (at least till the winter event), I had my candycane epoh folling me around all over Risa. I suspect it will be the same with the birds.
I had a similar problem when trying to name my Klingon ship the I.K.S. Ex Inferis, but I managed to get around the problem by removing the space in the name, so it's now the I.K.S. ExInferis. Just a suggestion.
My one suggestion involves the floaters (no, not another plea to keep them around after event. There's enough of those already.) But let players sell the floaters back to the vendors for 50-75% of the favor cost. I bought low level floaters for my toons so I wouldn't have to shell out several thousand EC every day on…
This one is far from ugly. I think it's actually pretty damned awesome looking. But wait till I get mine, I grew up in the era of bright gaudy colors.....the 80s.
My ships for my main Fed toon have fairly original names. I name them after famous US Marines or battles the USMC was involved in. I have the USS Chesty Puller, the USS Iwo Jima, the USS Henderson and the USS White Feather. My klink tho, I follow nordic mythos naming conventions for all her ships.
First off, I wasn't complaining, I was simply expressing a concern. And second, as I said this is my first winter event on the game, so I've been here less than a year and didn't know that the unmelting snowballs were a holdover from last year.
Everything sounds cool for my first Q's Winter wonderland event. However, the only thing I have misgivings about is the unmelting snowballs that can be used after the winter event. That's just one more thing that griefers will have in their arsenal to annoy people with.
Ok, glad to know this isn't just happening to me. Unfortunately, I've been having this problem since before season 6 launched, and I'm using a non-Intel chipset video card.
Time for me to throw a little willy pete on the fire here. I think the cooldown on effects in non-mission areas should also extend to sector space. I don't know how many times I've gone to DS9 or Drozana and found it covered with warp plasma, repair drones or fireworks. often times enough to lag me to the point I get…