and thuss the basis of my allbeit micro ragefest i fell for that misconcepction thank you for answering my question youve cleared up my curiousness i revoke my "i quit" rant now haveing been enlightened @ the troll who called me entitled: try actually reading the topic before you post bro troll failed
i was under the impression to get rom content you had to drop it on one of the packs listed ie starter or legacy inorder to allow the game to unlock it for your use AND THEN re buy everything you just as example droped 124.99 on again i was reading it as as it wasent avalible unless you bought the packs did not see that…
oh right,that would make sense,forgot nothing has made sense with this game since release starting to think i wasted $300 with the way the games progressed.doubt ill put anymore into it but it never hurts to be curious