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johnnojhelms Arc User



  • I expect us to have these issues when LOR launches. That's pretty much a given. For a big patch or expansion in the game I'm playing, I expect lag, timeouts or even server crashes, I don't expect it when the company launches a separate game. So I'd rather have this stuff happen when LOR launches, rather than now because…
  • Since this is becoming almost a regular occurance, how about you just plan in 3 hours of maintenance per day, every day, until it's fixed? Ontop of that you can of course have actual 'emergency maintenance' when the server starts acting up or goes down, but this really is starting to get ridicilous. Personally I would…
  • You're basically saying anything is possible, while I'm saying it's statistically improbable and realistically impossible. I'm having consistant failures, disasters and non-crits from assignments that all amount to the fact that I can tell the system is not working statistically. As for your somewhat exaggerated numbers,…
  • Just for fun, show me the maths on this. What would the odds be, of not critting a single one of those? How many people would it take, doing this side by side, for one person to manage the feat? Calculate it and show me the maths. Put your maths where your mouth is, so to speak.
  • You're missing the point entirely. First off, would you like to publically admit that you don't know anything about statistics, since you were in your previous post supporting a 'separate outcomes' version of statistics? I mean by all means continue to reply to the thread, but at least admit you don't know what you're…
  • Sorry for the ever so slight necrorevival, but as this topic has been bugging me as well and I happened on this thread from searching for something else, I felt the need to reply. There's no such thing as 'separate outcome' in statistics. And 'per mission chance' is silly when talking about statistics as well. Statistics…
  • Not sure if your issue is the exact same I've had, but I noticed that I couldn't type in fleet chat nor select it from the dropdown quite often (only recently joined a fleet). I tried a bunch of things and here's a solution that saves you logging out, or unselecting/reselecting; Right click chat window's top to get the…