Lovely... Where is my ship? The one with my best equipment on it. I logged out last night in my Defiant Class Escort, and log in today in my Runabout with no Defiant even listed on my character screen... I sure hope Cryptic is fixing this Edit: I was able to strip the gear off the ship in ESD and discharge and reclaim the…
Taken from the Wikipedia Entry on Dyson Sphere. In short, the benefits of a Dyson Sphere or Shell would be habitable surface area and Energy Resources. I am fairly certain it would also serve as a highly effective defense against invasion by outside forces, considering the technological knowhow and material strengths…
You should try reading all of my post and the ones that follow. My problem is with the people who come on and say "Cryptic and STO Suck!!!" and nothing more. If you are reporting an actual problem that is fine. If you are being abusive about it while reporting it IE swearing at the staff, calling them idiots, etc, then…
This warrants a better explanation then that really. In The Original Series Star Trek (henceforth TOS for short) security and various other "extras" were usually in a Red Uniform Shirt. These nameless extras would often meet an untimely death in the course of the episode they appeared in, most prominently when accompany…
I do not grind at all for stuff. I sell on the exchange. With what little I sell I have gotten one of my characters up to 8.5 million EC, so I am sure with a bit more effort you can make plenty of EC by selling unwanted gear on the exchange. Just do not go hog wild with your prices and then be surprised no one bought the…
I have my share of complaints about the game and how it is handled, however I try to present them in a constructive manner and not in the "Oh my god, Cryptic sucks, they will always suck" manner. Sure, things could be better, bugs could be fixed, but coming onto the forums in EVERY update post to espouse how crappy the…
Can we get some of the people with nothing but negative things to say about the game and Cryptic banned from the forums? It gets old seeing the same people constantly insulting the game and company. If they find it that bad they need to stop playing and go elsewhere rather then subject those of us who enjoy the game to…
I am just hoping they fixed the issue with BOff Uniform Tailoring. It is rather annoying to get a BOff, go to change their look (either when you first commission them or later at the tailor) and the game crashes to desktop.
Free to play does not mean they are not making money. It means you do not HAVE to spend money to play. They still make money on the game by offering premium content to those who want more or better things then are offered for free. Things like the Zen store and subscriptions that give you more character slots, more…
It is TRIBBLE. Stating that no money will make them fix things is totally wrong. As I said, all it will do is close the game down as Cryptic will write it off as a loss. It will NOT encourage them to fix anything. After all, why fix something on a game that is making no money? Write in to the company, address your…
If money stops rolling in the game WILL close down for good, FACT. People really need to start thinking before they post TRIBBLE like this. Stopping the flow of money to the company will NOT fix the issues, nor will swearing at them or ranting like maniacs.
I would suggest Cryptic Turn the Server back to before the update and fix the bugs, THEN put it in. Least that way the server is stable and they do not have people quitting the game entirely due to frustration.
Have now crashed to Desktop three times without warning. All three times I was in ESD. Once was in Tailor, once was In Away Team Equipment Requisition, And Once was just standing in Transporter room right after beaming in.
The Star Trek License can only be sold with CBS's approval. If they do not approve then the new company (should one buy Cryptic) will not get the Star Trek license. This has been happening repeatedly with ST based games and merchandise.
Glad you corrected the OP on the whole "Westley" thing. And he calls himself a Trekky? And yes, there are Trekkies and there are also Trekkers. Trekkies tend to be those whom are true fanatics about the show, you know, the ones who go in full Klingon Regalia including professional grade prosthetic foreheads (and not just…