Damn you, aren't you aware that Iconian's have a preset kill limit? If we just send wave after wave of our own men, they'll shut down, assuring us victory!
Can you heal them through it? Direct their movements using engineering shields? Time the engagement so the NPC is not as close to the boss? Hit the boss with enough damage that she dies before the NPC does? Body block the dot-fields and soak the damage yourself?
I think he's saying that by slotting [Dmg] you should be taking more dependable and steady damage versus the increased damage spike you'd get from having [CritD] in that spot. Sort of raising the valleys but lowering the mountains.
Is it truly impossible, or would it just take a level of skill separate from that of the average player, a level of skill that is a step beyond, a level of skill that you may only find with this games... dare I say it... elite players?
Since English is lacking a gender neutral 3rd party pronoun I was taught to use He as a default. And while I appreciate a growing popularity in use of the word "they" neither popularity or common use rise to the status of grammatical rule. Now, of course you are welcome to be offended because I default to the use of the…
You're welcome to stop, I'll go on and keep talking, and since you were unable to answer what should have been a relatively simple question to facilitate a dialogue, a failure you compounded by rudely assuming incorrect things about me that had nothing to do with what you were being asked, I'll even pretend like we're…
Because you're trying to influence a Federation engineer who abides by the Prime directive. When you're older you'll learn the best way to influence others is to appeal to their beliefs and values, rather than attempting to force on them your own.
I'm not going to insult you by pretending that you actually think you responded to the question you were asked. Unfortunately the answer you gave me was for a question that I wasn't interested in asking so I'll go ahead and explain and then ask again. In an earlier post you claimed that most KDF players want 1 pure science…
I think you got your cause and effect mixed up there son. There's also a bit of not knowing the difference between subjective taste and objective statements of quality, but we won't worry about that yet. There are fewer options available because the KDF is less profitable than the Federation. The KDF is less profitable,…
*thinks back to the average mission in game* *fondly recalls the way his crew shot first and didn't even bother asking questions* *remembers picking through the corpses and destroyed hulls of countless True Way Dominion, Jem'Hadar, mirror universe soldiers, Borg, Undyne, Tal Shiar, and now Iconians* *tries to recall…
He opens with a faulty syllogism, then precedes to beat a strawman to death. Meanwhile he ironically rails against logical fallacies, implies the person he is talking to doesn't even know what a logical fallacy is, and ofcourse insults the majority of the playerbase. The Southpark clip was childish, but appropriate. I'd…
This has all been explained again and again so many time that there's no mystery left here. A far better question, why do people post leading questions in their title that guaranty their thread won't be read or taken seriously?
The biggest failing made in this thread is implying that Cryptic is somehow obligated to give the factions equal time and development. They've made it clear they feel no such obligation and you're not going to convince them to feel it by sneaking your entitled whining in on the tail end off a 1 sentence compliment. Well,…
Not buying the Dominion as "The Other." They just don't seem to have the mix of technological superiority and arrogant stagnation necessary to have been around and what they are for such a long time. Plus, there's the surveillance and planned conquest. The Iconians are treating the Founders and their Dominion the same way…
The Tier-1 ship in question has 3 ensign level boff powers, 4 consoles, 2 of them tac, and 3 weapons hard points. I won't risk the ire of our resident super mod too much by belaboring the point but I think it's at a sufficient enough disadvantage in comparison to higher tier ships that the tier system is not mocked. This…
I think this thread has great potential, as an example of how the word 'exploit' serves far better as a verb than a stand alone noun. The players in this video are exploiting various game mechanics. Which is to say, they are making full use of various game mechanics in order to achieve maximum benefit. That the maximum…
On the topic of the original post, even ignoring the drop off in progression speed that you hit around level 55, and ignoring the fact that there just isn't enough story progression in the game to accommodate any sort of significant increase in the time it takes to level, I still need to disagree. There is nothing to be…
But since the discouragement is not severe enough to act as a deterrent, it's a very poor argument in favor of spoiling the fun of legitimate players. Sorry, you need something more than unsubstantiated predictions of AFKer's becoming more prevalent to claim this point as in your favor.
I used that exact same reasoning once and then tried to run my character through the window of the Qonos Spacedock. I figured, "I paid 30 bucks for my Guramba, so I decide I can run out into space and swim my way towards it." Chastened by the window, I then switched over to my Starfleet toon and bought some fleet ship…
Good, makes it easier for new players to spend a couple of bucks and catch up to us 'seasoned veterans.' I am probably going to need to figure out whether it's better to start converting dilithium to energy credits or better to continue converting zen to energy credits.
Well aware of what they are, and your point I assume is that it won't stop a bad team from taking more than 45 minutes to complete an STF that folks are used to downing in 15, or maybe your point is that AFKers would have to have the bad luck to end up on a team that is composed entirely, or mostly, of afkers and so these…
If Cryptic decides that stockpiling spec points is a problem, this is a better way to resolve it than simply eliminating those points or hard capping/ending spec point growth for anyone above a certain number.
DOOM DOOM! The PUG queue's will now be full of AFKers getting their loot for free, players will be crushed under the weight of their sloth like a mill stone because the developers would never be smart enough to program in a fail condition that will kick off if people aren't even trying so now we'll be DOOOMED Oh wait,…
Because that would require the Cardassians do something deceitful and Cardassians have never been depicted as deceitful..... Is the sarcasm thick enough... wait, I got it... Especially not the honorable, heroic Cardassians like DS:9's Garek that Cardassians fan would want to play.
I think the issue here is that you are seeing things from a different perspective than Geko and you apparently lack the ability to recognize the holes in your own understanding and access to data, because of this you assume your perspective is the only valid perspective and those who disagree with you are wrong, lying,…
Value is not determined by the production cost but rather the market demand. And while you're right in that a smaller price tag may encourage more purchases and overall more profitability for that specific ship, you can't just look at this in a vacuum. The 30 dollar price tag on ships encourages people to supplement their…