Fleet Excelsior and Fleet Assault are the current proper cruisers choices to max your dps. They are almost identical putting appearances aside.The differences are that one has 1 more engi slot and the other has one more tac slot instead, this is a choice of preferance. The other is turn rate 8 for Ex and 7 for AssaultC…
After the introduction of the Omega Weapon Amplifier ability we get from Kinetic beam & Borg Console i dont believe there is point for 8 beam cruisers anymore, so its actually a question of 7-beam boats max.This ability is amazing to counter excessive weapon drain. Combine it with Maco Shield, Nadion Inv. + EPS if you are…
Well i did...I managed to get a fed space C&H going on at Lieutenant 7 & after the match one of the tutorials mentioned above didn't complete, the game didn't let me hail and complete the mission.Also further testing showed another strange thing.I had "WarZone of Klingon Foragers" at Lt9, when i hit LTCommander 10 this…