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What is the Arc Client?
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jbarnes0210 Arc User



  • I called this too. Knew it had to be something very special for such a long count-down. And what can be more special that involves the Romulans then launching the Romulan Faction? Way to go, STO Team!!! Looking awesome in that video. So when will it be on Tribble? :D
  • This seems to be preventing my Android to use the new STO Gateway that's in BETA testing. Everytime I try to check it from my phone I get the Account Guard thing sending me e-mails when it's supposed to be a 1 time thing.
  • Tactical Mode gives a +25 to weapons power for one. Has a wicked Phaser thing that packs a powerful punch, but it'll drain your weapons power and takes like 15 seconds for it to raise enough to use your weapons again. Think the Main Weapon on the proto-type ship in Babylon 5's "Call to Arms". Loading the Fore Weapons with…
  • I'll take you up on that Bloodwine!!!