I did catch some footage of me getting the fireworks accolade. But I don't think I used it for this video. But It does seem to be timed. I also don't think it is set for every in-game day. I could be wrong on that.
I want to make it clear that I do support the use of offensive language for entertainment purposes (obviously). But at the same time it is impossible to tell without there being a warning. Especially when it comes to a game that is not rated M. It should fall upon me to at least leave a warning.
Too funny. But also as he says his kids like to watch the videos with him. With kids they always want to participate in more adult activities by watching shows that you watch or like. I can't peel my kids away from the tv when I play a game with cars and planes. Again like GTA 5. So it is hard to keep them away from…
No problem. I am glad that you will still check it out. I get how kids like to watch games that are a bit older for them. I have to tell my kids no when they want to watch me play GTA 5 because of the themes in the game. They just like the planes and cars. But I have always been okay with them watching STO as even for a T…
I will definitely do that. Sorry about the inconvenience there. I will be sure to change it to warn of language at the beginning of the video. I have kids also and I know how frustrating it can be watching youtube with them in the room. I am used to doing this with M rated games were it is implied that kids should not be…
Thanks everyone for the great information. It seems that I am completely wrong on my build here. I think I might get the Phantom Intel Escort now. I am also probably gonna switch beams out for cannons. Should I keep my quantum torpedoes if a go cannons? Also what type of cannons should I focus on and what kind of consoles…
Well it seems the latest patch fixed the issue. It started right up for me to day in full screen. Thanks to everyone the helped nonetheless though. Thanks again!
So I found the Gameprefs.Pref file. But the resolution was set correctly. I am really hoping I can get help here. Running it windowed mode really sucks. Thanks in advance!