Hopefully it's a bug that can get fixed soon enough! With it being so early in the mission and easy enough to repeat, I ended up just caving and made a second Jem'Hadar and it all worked out fine second time around.
I've seen that mentioned elsewhere, but transwarp is greyed out. The only option I have to leave the map in any way is to fly off it - and that begins Groundhog day all over again. I get the feeling this'll be a delete and start again scenario :/
I have, though only through habit. All our non essentials are switched off at the source (and consoles/TV etc unpugged) when not in use. We're ridiculous with avoiding any unnecessary power consumption/usage! Reinstalling might be the next tactic, but she's decided to leave it a few days and fix itself. Just weird that STO…
Not sure if it'll be any help at all but I've got 35.0.1916.153 m currently - and that was the version/browser I used that worked :/ I'll try and upgrade later and see if it makes a difference as it might be worth mentioning if you use the email theillusiveman posted.
What version of Chrome and ISP do you have? Might help narrow it down if there's a common problem (and asking those useless IT questions are just a habitual starter that even I'm trapped in :p). I only ask as despite the in-game ticket issue, I've been able to access the web support via chrome and sent a ticket on the 12th…
In game tickets arent working for me either. Which is a bit annoying as I can get in touch with support but I was advised to make an in-game ticket :/ Office address isn't hard to find. I might start writing letters.
I'll also vouch for windows 10. I've had my problems with STO since installing, but thats standard fare for STO and had nothing to do with W 10 :pensive:
On my main (Fed Tac) I'd been using the Oddy for well over a year, maybe two? Upgraded to T5U and capped out the levelling there, but it was getting a little too comfortable and I wanted to challenge myself and mix things up a bit. Been flying the Vesta (T5U) on and off since the Summer to take advantage of it. It's good,…
I have spent a penny, not a huge amount and not for well over a year. But this isn't quite right... ....it's really just a case of using your head. I've not had time to play fully lately so I'm barely on right now - but being logical about it, I can still spend less than half an hour a day in STO and hit the dil refining…
Looks. Definitely looks. I'm not a 100% serious player and although I like to fiddle around and get the best out of a ship - logging in and playing with an avatar thats so much of an eyesore that I want to log back out again is just pointless.
I honestly don't care about any other changes at all. They can make my ship pink and turn me into a fish - as long as I can finally empty my inbox without carefully lining up all the boxes and clicking until my mouse breaks.
It's pretty much just a basic web app to log in and view your stuff: http://gateway.startrekonline.com/ It's nice, but could use a lot of work and osmetimes feels a bit... forgotten :/
That's my method. Which is why I always get baffled when people talk about the relentless grind for dil. I hit my cap with pretty much zero effort which lets me merrily play the game and see that as a quick side quest. As for the concept as a whole - it's a little backwards. The two different currencies have very different…
Aside from all the 'game logic' the back of a shuttle is really just a big giant door. Considering that design I imagine the only way to get any shuttle to fire anything from the rear it to open that door and have whatever ensign draw the short straw hanging out the back with a rifle.
It is. It's a real pain in the TRIBBLE getting anything done. What surprises me is that with so many experts on how the game works, why doesn't Cryptic just hire them all? Clearly the people here know how to run, maintain and develop the game better.
Takes me around 44 (usually less) days to grind enough zen for a T6 ship. And thats only using 2/4 characters and with absolute minimal effort (I'm usually online for an average of 15-20 mins per day). Thats what? 8 free T6 ships in a year with the bare minimum effort if I had the energy to do that every day. Even if I was…
Aha! In that case I'm glad I'm not being an idiot and will get in touch with support later! Cheers! I've only just started upgrading (the supplies have been sitting there for months, I just wasn't interested) so I thought I'd check before making an official moan to the team. Not a major issue though - upgrades are just one…
I thought that at first, and assumed thats what was happening - though the upgrade itself doesn't apply. For example... I've got three beam upgrades in stock at 12080 points (I may have made that up, I'm on a different computer now but it's 12-something :p). I'm assuming that if it's a case of bumping up the numbers of…
I know that part. It does give a percentage and all. But the problem is that it doesn't even start. It doesn't consume the upgrade materials, it doesn't consume the option extras - it doesn't even start the countdown timer. The dil just vanishes while everything else is left in place. Am I wrong in assuming that the rest…
It just felt a little... underwhelming and pointless. I didn't even realise it was the end and then all of a sudden we were at the whole conclusion that could be summed up as "Woops, soz!" and then it's over.
Spoke too soon. One successful log in on Fiday, crashing ever since. The past few weeks wouldn't have been as bad if there wasn't as many plugs for the Delta Recruit missions I had no chance in hell of doing :/
I was able to log in this morning without safe mode for the first time in weeks. Won't be able to play around properly to see how well it works until tomorrow/Sunday - but fingers crossed this fixed it!
Yeah. I don't usually mind - ad last time just got tired of waiting and found a fix that works (though none have done the trick this tmie though). It's just a little frustrating now to see more content, more updates, more patch notes, have a weekend off work and still waiting.... and no mention of it on the dev notes.…
Awesome. Cheers for the regular updates throughout :) Luckily I can still log on via Safe mode which at least lets me fiddle about with fleets and DOFFing until all it fixed. "Would you like to verify files?" *clicks no* "Well, we're doing it anyway!" ^ Thats been my game time the past couple of days :p