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istanbulkop Arc User



  • Thanks for all the info and advice. Because I am indeed a Star Trek geek, I think I'm gonna have to go for The D'Khellra....with D'Deridex skin. I know it might not be the biggest, or the best even. BUT...it evokes such memories for me. I've always loved that ship, and realising I can get it T6 - I just have to do it. Even…
  • D'Deridex is my favourite looking Romulan ship. When I first saw it in TNG as a kid, I was indeed in total awe. However, I've been put off because it wasn't T6 - should I be? (I'm still a noob sorry, as you can tell, even though I've played the game loads).
  • The only thing that bothers me about the Klingons in discovery is the lack of hair. Putting it down to the no hair look being fashionable for Klingons in this 'specific' time period. By TOS, they had it short, and by the movies and TNG...it was a long look. Ridges have been explained, but you'd obviously expect some…