My problem with the mini games (same with the captains menu) is that sometimes the analog stick is just to fast, I don't know how many times doing some dilithium mining where the sensor would be in a half tick, causing it to be almost impossible to start the beam because you are just that half a tic too close or too far.
Yeah, I don't want to even drop the mission because the checkpoint has me at the last boss fight....and I am really tired of doing all the stupid grapple lines and zip lines just to get that far.
I have both an advanced escort and an advanced cruiser. While I love my escort, I mainly use a cannon load out and just try to crank out as much damage as I can. Which is kind of fun, but the cannons have a really small firing arc, which means I pretty much have to be facing enemies at all times. The Cruiser on the other…
Yeah, I think this last update did something. I'm on PS4, and I would have my weapons constantly changing stats. Out of combat, Some will be at like 120, and then I find a new weapon, wait a couple of minutes, and they will all be at like 100's across the board.