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What is the Arc Client?
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iamlovage Arc User



  • I am the OP. There are plenty of network diags in the original post. As explained in that post pathping doesn't give anything meaningful. If you can't provide any further insight, or can suggest some alternative tools to try, i'm quite happy to do that! EDIT: Had 30ish smooth minutes with US proxy now. EU proxy didn't help…
  • Nobody has commented on this part from the logs yet: 141121 22:45:35 112 Client[0 P[3026290@1050703 Quadrus@IamLovage]]: GameServer link disconnected ( Reason: socket was shutdown(10054:Connection reset by remote host) (socket error 10054: Connection reset by remote host) Suggests the server is…
  • Results from 188 boxes: Lobi Crystals: 1055 (average 5.61 per box, highest in a single box: 50) Polarized Disruptor Weapon Packs: 43 Standard Doff Packs: 43 Gamma Doff Packs: 42 Temporal Beacon Box: 21 5000 Fleet Credit Pack: 17 Mirror Recon Ship: 4 Mirror Deep Space Ship: 3 Console Box: 4 Temporal Doff (fed): 6 100 Fleet…
  • Well if that is "working as intended" couldn't the tooltip for the boxes indicate that? The tooltip should probably also indicate you'll get an engineering OR OPERATIONS department duty officer. Either way, this is still feedback for the developers to consider.