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hunterap Arc User



  • I do want to say one more thing... This is the first time in a while that I didn't jump at purchasing something for this game during the sale. I'm not happy with where this ship is headed Cryptic. I will vote with my wallet.
  • I'm simply going to reiterate what many have already said. I'm a lifetime subscriber. I have spent several hundred dollars on this game. I do not like that Cryptic is retiring ships from the events. New players will not have the opportunity to get ships/consoles/mastery skills that other players have access to. If you want…
  • Good to hear.
  • When you purchase/donate, it gives you the option to donate the money to the charity. It also says that the charity gets 70%, so either Groupees is taking the other 30%, or that 30% is split between Groupees and Perfect World/Cryptic. This move had the best of intentions, and Kudos to Cryptic for participating. But putting…
  • You're making an invalid assumption that this is a complaint about me being upset because I didn't get something. This has nothing to do with ME. (if you really want to call me out, I can show up in game on one of the T6 ships if you need me to) Economics has absolutely nothing to do with it. Gulberat said that this was…
  • Do you see sites like, "the Humble Bundle," limiting things to the first 1000 people? The point of these, "fundraisers," is to raise funds for those in need. You create an incentive to do so, and people contribute. By limiting this, not only are you causing exclusivity within your own community (which goes against the…
  • I just wanted to point out the irony. Exclusivity is a form of bullying. Why in the world would you put a restriction like this on a charity fundraiser? You took something that had the best of intentions, and you tarnished it. Grow up Cryptic.
  • The hourly events were really quite brilliant, but it's possible that many people don't realize why they were brilliant. The events allowed for a smallish community to experience content together without forcing them to run the same content all day. With the removal of the hourly events, people don't feel as forced into…
  • I don't think that you understand my issue here. The problem is that this isn't a million player community. With the hourly events, players gravitate towards those events. As such, when the events are running, there are lots of people in the zones/areas/queues for those events. During non-hourly event times, it's anyone's…
  • Oh, and one other suggestion, should you bring these back... Allow us the option of having a broadcast message just before an event is scheduled to start, and when an event starts. This way, we'll get a popup letting us know that the event is starting. (Similar to the popups we get when someone gets a ship from a lockbox.)
  • Hopefully there are enough of us voicing our concerns to get Cryptic to take a look at this. I would think that the KDF queues would provide enough evidence to show that there's a real problem here.
  • I'm currently free to do anything I want at any time. The problem is that everyone else is also free to do the same, and everyone is going in a variety of different directions. I challenge you to pop on a Klingon toon and quickly find a Defera group, or a battlezone group during off-peak hours. I spent 20 minutes trying to…