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What is the Arc Client?
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heronfarm Arc User



  • Confirmed, I have been annoyed with the same issue (ever since having to link to a perfect world account). My old Cryptic account still appears on the screen when you log out of a particular character, even though I log in with the perfect world account and the "remember" box is checked. Quite frustrating.
  • Nice to get a few comments, I really appreciate the feedback. In truth it summerises what I've been contemplating for a while and that is the problem facing engineers as they transisition from PVE to PVP. In PVE the Eng-Scort works, it actually works quite well, but there's no way to effectively take that principle and…
  • Thanks for the reply trueprom3theus, food for thought using a couple of copies of BO... Indeed hurleybird I know an Eng in a 'scort will never hit like a tactical captain, they just aren't optimised for it.
  • Back to the OP, if you're still following Mewi... A couple of people have pointed out the synergy of the Fleet Patrol Escort and Attack Ships. The Bug ship captains I've played against have all used a Fleet Patrol BOF layout, as husanakx suggested as being the logical setup. In a PVP setting I couldn't imagine too many…