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gurugeorge Arc User



  • I think when they gave up on the old exploration system instead of improving it, they pretty much gave up on making this anything more than a cash-grab "game". It's a sad, sad state of affairs for Cryptic and I really feel sorry for how far they've fallen. From City of Heroes to these three "games"? They're only barely…
  • Christ on a bike, as if the monetization isn't intrusive enough. *sigh* whatever happened to MMOs as virtual worlds ... :(
  • Responsiveness has always been pretty poor in this game unless you use keybinds, and even then it's not exactly stellar. Clicking on icons is hopeless. I used to think it was because I had a crappy internet connection, when I had a crappy internet connection, but since getting a good fibre-optic connection, it's not much…
  • It's funny how different people like different things, 'cos I have to say, much as I'm disgruntled with the general direction STO is going, I quite like the DR Patrols (on Elite). I'm finding the combat is right in the pocket for me - challenging enough to be fun, but not taking too long.
  • Indeed you can, I think it says it all in a nutshell :)
  • I kinda feel sorry for Cryptic. I mean, they had a shot at the Star Trek IP, they bravely took it on, and made a decent enough job of it in a rush; it had flaws, but it also had potential. But in doing so they badly neglected Champions Online - a game with great potential and a huge initial uptake based on goodwill banked…
  • Everyone has a cut-off point somewhere. CCP were over-confident of their player retention, but got a rude awakening with Incarnageddon. It sometimes happens that people do actually ragequit en masse. Not sure whether this will be enough for STO though, probably too casual of a game overall. But it could happen, and the…
  • I'm having no trouble at all in the Delta Quadrant with an ordinary Fleet Recon (torp boat) on Elite setting, I should think you'll be ok with it beefed up a bit :) Well, I say "no trouble at all", I do have to play a bit carefully sometimes, which is nice, but nothing's ridiculously overwhelming so long as I'm on my toes.
  • I think you're labouring under the misapprehension that developers give a rat's TRIBBLE what people say on forums, one way or another (unless it's a total meltdown representative of general playerbase opinion). Developers make the games however they think best; they may go so far as to take the temperature of forums (or…
  • I remember for me it was when I finally grasped how the skills interacted with stat items, and when I grasped how special consoles can shape min-maxed builds. That was just shortly before hitting my first lvl 50. I hadn't made any special effort to understand the game, and just developed an understanding through osmosis…
  • Yeah, storm in a teacup. I flew a Mirror ship with standard Purple gear for ages before getting my shiny Fleet ship with Fleet gear and consoles. Sure, there was a difference, and I enjoyed working for the goodies, and they felt rewarding - but it's mostly just a difference in not needing to be quite so in the pocket with…
  • Did you ever think "free to play" actually literally meant free to play? The term is just a marketing tool. MMOs aren't free to make, people have to be paid to make them, and investors have to make a return on their investment; so they can't possibly be free to play. So what the term really means is (for various developers…
  • Well, it seems to have mysteriously fixed itself today, got into the mission no problem. /shrugs
  • I generally agree with the post, at the end of the day f2p is a short term boost for games, but designing around f2p kills gameplay and immersion in the long run. STO used to be a virtual world, now not so much. We all have different tolerances for this sort of thing. I haven't yet approached my jump-off point, I still…
  • I'm all for harsh death penalties, but you can't introduce them into a game like this mid-stream, it's ludicrous. It's not what people are used to, it would be far too jarring and disconcerting for the majority of casual players. I could see the "injury" system on Elite setting being a bit harsher, and/or crafting being…
  • More omnis is a rabbit hole, best not to go down it. One is fun, two would open the door to 3 and 3 would be OP, without a doubt.
  • They missed that boat long ago. The game started like that, but like most MMOs in the long run, everything has devolved to "damage is king". It's one of those quirks of MMOs, they always seem to end up that way, despite the best intentions, especially nowadays when so many casual players want an easy game to pew-pew in.…
  • That's really good news, should give the game a shot in the arm.
  • I do agree, as a mainly Sci/Sci player, I would love to have more use for my special Sci abilities in PvE, and to be part of a team taking down difficult things. But that would mean two stripes missions would be the best most PUGs could do. And that's a psychological problem, because people want to feel "Elite" even if…
  • Heck, I'm sure many players would dearly love to have more complex, interedependent gameplay. But developers have to balance that desire against the desire of a far bigger majority who just want to relax, shoot at things and make them assplode. Always, always, always, it comes down to this: some people want to be…
  • It does make things useless. I remember a time when Cruisers were completely ****e, nobody flew them and poor Engi captains in Engi ships were at the bottom of the heap - tanks in a game in which tanks are pointless . A2B DOFFs finally gave them some teeth. As has been explained numerous times, A2B is by far not the most…
  • LOL, I can't believe I'm seeing people complaining about too much laz0rs in a space game. What gives people this idea that Trek has to be "restrained"? It's not "restrained" because they wanted it that way on the tv and movies, it's because they didn't have the effing CGI to do the multiple spaceship battles that would…
  • Yeah, exactly - it's all impressive when you think of what you need streaming for presently, but it will soon fill up with higher rez, higher def, 3-d holotanks, etc.
  • No, you really, really don't. What you HAVE to do is make something your customers like and will buy. In some circumstances, this may involve listening to them. More usually, it involves ignoring them, mainly because people don't always know what they will really like and buy. They only know what they think they would like…
  • I'd love this, as I'm very fond of Transphasics on my Sci-in-Sci torp boat, which is my favourite ship. The Breen cluster is impressive and fun when you get lucky with it, but it's not so reliably OP that a Mk XII version would break the game. Only needs a small bump, but it would be super-cool. (Ha, see what I did there?…
  • Exactly. Running combat parser with Gateway during PUGs was a revelation to me, and changed the way I see these types of discussions on forums. The vast majority of ISEs I've played in, the range is between 2k and about 12k. Occasionally, you'll see someone, or maybe a couple of players, hitting 15k or 20k range. But the…
  • Jeez you'd think there had never been such an ability in games from the year dot called "Hasten" (or something with a similar function). Faster recharge of abilities is one of the time-honoured methods of increasing DPS in videogames. To not have that function available in STO would have been TRIBBLE, and frankly a bit…
  • People misunderstand "power creep". That some people can get insanely high dps through insane investment into their character isn't a "power creep" problem. It might be an OP problem or some other kind of problem that needs looking at, but it's not evidence of "power creep". But usually it's not going to be thought of as a…
  • Precisely because you're new to MMOs, you won't understand that MMO forums are usually a "bark worse than bite" type of thing. e.g., WoW is the biggest, most successful MMO of all time. You'd think its forums would be places full of happy happy joy joy, right? No, theyre EXACTLY the same as the STO forums. All MMO forums…
  • Well, this all seems surprisingly positive. As always with STO announcements - cautiously optimistic. I'm sure whatever it is, even if it falls short of all this proposed goodness, it will at least keep me playing the game, or at the very least, keep coming back to it, as a familiar fun place.