I would like to agree with this. Its a huge part of the game which has been used by a myriad of players INCLUDING those who play the Zen Store Races - Ferasan and Caitians who have a racial bonus to these abilities and are extremely invaluable to Ground Melee cat characters. Cloaking/Ambush etc. It needs to get fixed.
I am actually a fan of the male and female Reman body as it gives an immersive streak to an otherwise alien spieces. I thought I show off my Reman Male in his purple trunks, detailing front and back. His Name is Vukodlak.
Heyo! Would it be possible to join the Ferasan shadow Force fleet? I got my Ferasan dude but no fun with no fellow blue warrior space cats about. Im no stranger to STO and am a cat lover. ingame user name is: Do'Rhanjii@griffans What ya say? Thanks!:D