For PC probably soon which is great for PC players I notice they get better treatment then console players, Today free on PC ships and uniforms free. Today on PS4 ships and uniforms only 2000 zen. Today on Xbox if you spend 50,000 zen on R&D boxes you might but guaranteed not to get any of the ships and uniforms, in fact…
Ok, for anyone who sees this do not buy the R&D packs you not receive a ship. This is away for them to make money off of players, spent $30.00 last night on R&D packs against my better judgement and well my judgement was right. It said that I would receive and ship and I did not. So I would not recommend spending any money…
It's amazing how they mess up on the information and now the article has been changed due their mess up, I wonder how much money was made off of this mess and how many got screwed out of a ship including me.
False information DO NOT purchase the R&D packs, I just 2000 zen and got nothing. If you wanted to TRIBBLE us over you just did a fine job of that. Will not fall this scam again.
I would like to see The Wrath Of Khan Star Fleet uniform added the xbox store, and I think it would be nice if they would not go crazy on the dilitum needed for other uniform boxes. 1,400,000 is kinda a long way for me, I only got around 300,000 so I got a ways to go. Unless somebody knows how I can get it faster.