Dear Cryptic, The thought of doing 3 times the amount of work to get the same gear and dilithium to which I had access just 24 hours ago has made me physically ill. This patch literally made me vomit. Consider this my resignation, but thank you for showing me how pointless this and all MMOs are. Goodbye.
Like everyone else here, I have a Cardie captain, too. Dukat is still my favorite character in any Star Trek. It'd be nice to have the option to select a preconfigured cardie and then adjust things like scale depth or whatever, but I'm happy having shapeshifting aliens. If PW or Cryptic or CBS or whoever runs this now…
Same issue. It started when I tried to connect to an STF, and got "server not responding". After 180 seconds, I task managered out, and then i got "trying to update the launcher." I tried to go to, no dice. However, my wife's copy was still working on her machine, and she was in the STF still waiting on…