Mission Title: "Infinity's Witness" Author's Handle: @ElijahThomas Faction: Federation Level Requirement: TBD Mission Summary: The U.S.S. Infinity has been discovered almost two centuries after it was lost with all hands. You are called to a burgeoning Romulan colony in the Haradon System to observe the wreckage and…
Are we free to change or disregard the details from the news stories? I've found some of it inspiration and all of it interesting, but my idea is taking off in a very different direction.
I wouldn't necessarily place it among the best custom maps, but my mission "Raptor's Reflection" has customized maps throughout. Mission Title: Raptor's Reflection Author: @ElijahThomas Project ID: ST-HTNN3WO5B Faction: Federation (Recommended for play with Starfleet Character) Level Requirement: 31+ Estimated Time: 45…
I absolutely agree, and that was my intent. The first concept that would spring to my mind would be the Federation getting an application for membership by a Delta Quadrant culture, perhaps one that made its "first contact" with Voyager originally and was left with a good first impression. Alternatively, going from the…
I had one idea for a topic that goes with the end of the Iconian War and its fallout. "New Frontiers" or "The Challenges of Peace" The Iconian War brought the galaxy together in a way that nobody ever thought possible and now new frontiers are open for exploration or exploitation by the Federation, Klingon Empire and…
My very first mission, Raptor's Reflection, has some focus on Romulans. There is some challenge in playing it with a Romulan character, however, since one map takes place inside the player's ship and the architecture is Federation-based. If we could create alternate paths through different-looking maps I'd correct this,…
Yes, I've maxed out both limits. I maxed out buildings fairly early, because its a shorter list and i wanted to leave as much space as possible in the limits for detail objects. In the end I managed to max out those as well and have had to remove a few small decorative touches here and there. Nevertheless I'm quite pleased…
Ah, I was wondering what the rules were governing those omni lights. I've tried to use them before but they've been with blackspace interior maps where the skyboxes that I used, and the attendant light settings, didn't seem to be compatible. As for my object budget... it is broken. This map broke my object and building…
Seldom have truer words been spoken than those. Map transitions in foundry missions are when I alt-tab out and go get some water or other miscellaneous need. If I split it into two maps, then the first map will be entirely social in its function. It's all about introducing the setting and several important characters, and…
I think four weeks leaves very little room for error and I think it'd see too many people having to pull out due to being a slower builder or real life complications. Six weeks will delivers better missions, in my view, and more of them while still putting a certain amount of pressure with a deadline.
That is correct. I appreciate everyone's thoughts. I think the most efficient way may just be to use two duplicate maps and swap the skybox. It's a shame we can't change the skybox via triggers, that would make this infinitely easier. Thank you all.
Second that. I admit STO has been sitting on the backburner for me for some time. But a new challenge is just whats needed to get my attention again. Currently working on a concept, if it comes together coherently on paper, then I'm in! I just want emphasize that for the record, it is the Foundry that keeps me coming back…
Hey Voporak, I recently created a forum post for my mission "Raptor's Reflection", which you reviewed a while back. I wanted to clear with you whether you mind my quoting and linking to your review and the youtube clips in that post.
Hey Ashkrik, I recently created a forum post for my mission "Raptor's Reflection", which you reviewed a while back. I wanted to clear with you whether you mind my quoting and linking to your review in that post.
Hey Evil70th, I recently created a forum post for my mission "Raptor's Reflection" as you suggested in your review. It seems to be working. I wanted to clear with you whether you mind my quoting and linking to your review in that post.
Hi Drogyn, my mission is well and truly out of reviewing but I'd still like to submit it for the Roundtable's consideration. If I've put this in the wrong thread for that, I'll happily move the post. Mission Title: Raptor's Reflection Author: @ElijahThomas Project ID: ST-HTNN3WO5B Faction: Federation (Recommended for play…
Hey Evil70th, thanks so much for your playthrough and review. I'll take your recommendations on board, though likely in the process of building my next mission. I'm not sure yet if I'll end up going over Raptor's Reflection again. I appreciate it all, thank you very much.
Thank you Ashkrik for your review. It is most appreciated. That first map is built in the black space of the Dimorus Interior map. I used the Bortas Bridge backdrop to achieve the darkness. In early publishes it was even darker, but some players who tested the map in its early stages informed me that it was too dark and…
Hey Ashkrik, a little while ago I published my first mission. If you have the space on the list and time, I'd like to submit mine for reviewing. Mission Title: Raptor's Reflection Author: @ElijahThomas Project ID: ST-HTNN3WO5B Faction: Federation (Recommended for play with Starfleet Character) Level Requirement: 31+…
I would suggest that perhaps a short extension (one or two weeks, maximum) may be appropriate for people to make sure that things are all plugged in and working, especially in the wake of season changes. Personally, mine is as ready as it's going to get, and am eager for the voting period. That said, I'd also prefer to see…
I published my first mission several weeks ago, but its an entry for the current Foundry Challenge, which is yet to reschedule its voting period. I'd like to submit it for the Roundtable's consideration but am unsure if its appropriate to do so at this stage, given the delay in the Challenge's voting and review period.